
更新时间:2024-04-26 23:03:19



  • 1、Following instructions on the fusing packet, iron it to the wrong side of thisdenim piece.(按熨融胶包装上的说明将它熨在牛仔布的反面。)
  • 2、Clad in leather chaps, adenim shirt and a white rancher's hat, he looks the quintessential cowpoke.(他身穿皮套裤和一件斜纹粗布衬衫,头戴一顶农场主的白帽,显出一副典型的牛仔模样。)
  • 3、When I meet Rupp he is wearing a baseball cap, bluedenim shirt and jeans, and cowboy boots.(我见到鲁普的时候,他戴着一个棒球帽,蓝色的丁尼布上衣和牛仔裤,还有一双牛仔靴。)
  • 4、If your work environment allows jeans, however,denim might be everyday wear.(如果你的工作环境允许穿牛仔裤,粗斜纹棉布牛仔裤也许适合每天穿着。)
  • 5、Tamitha had an insulateddenim coat, but Tom's jacket was unlined.(塔米莎带了件保暖的粗布牛仔大衣,汤姆的夹克衫却是单衣,连衬里都没有。)
  • 6、If you have intermediate sewing skills then you can easily stitch yourself a pair of properdenim slippers.(只要你有中等的缝纫手艺,你就能轻松地为自己做一双舒适的牛仔布拖鞋。)
  • 7、He has on his jeans and a long-sleeved bluedenim shirt with a white T-shirt underneath.(他身穿牛仔裤和一件蓝色长袖粗斜纹棉布衬衫,里面还有件白色T恤衫。)
  • 8、denim apparel is making a comeback in shops and fashion magazines.(仔装正重新杀回服装店和时尚杂志。)
  • 9、Or better still, buy secondhanddenim that has been naturally distressed through use!(还有更好的一招,就是去买被自然穿旧的二手牛仔!)
  • 10、Florals could be mixed with plaid and sable withdenim.(花朵图案可以和格子混搭,貂皮也可以和牛仔布放在一起。)
  • 11、Look for crafty details that will dress updenim, like Penelope Cruz's frilly ruffles or Heidi Klum's beading.(看看这些能提升牛仔魅力的小细节吧,如佩内洛普·克鲁兹的褶皱花边,或者海蒂·克鲁姆的珠饰。)
  • 12、Thisdenim work shirt is as great with a pair of jeans as it is with a tie on casual Fridays.(休闲星期五穿这件丁尼布工作衫配牛仔裤与穿工作衫配领带一样好。)
  • 13、"My entire wardrobe consists of floral,denim and black leather," she said.(“我整个衣柜都是碎花、牛仔和皮衣,”她表示。)
  • 14、Wear sequins and bright colours, tailoring,denim (especially dark) and fashion-forward accessories.(要穿有磨损亮片和明亮色彩缝制的牛仔(尤其是深色)和时尚配件。)
  • 15、Still, even he wouldn't go the next step, putting on adenim shirt with adenim jacket and jeans.(不过,就连他也不愿更进一步,同时穿上牛仔衬衫、牛仔夹克和牛仔裤。)
  • 16、"denim is a relatively safe choice because it always sells," says fashion-trend expert David Wolfe.(“牛仔装是相对安全的选择,因为这种衣服能长期热卖。”时尚专家戴维·沃尔夫说道。)
  • 17、And go get a toggle coat and adenim shirt — guys always look good indenim shirts.(配一件栓扣粗呢上衣,一款牛仔衬衫——牛仔衬衫总是能让你看起来很不错。)
  • 18、Rockin' out at Glastonbury 2010, Emma was festival chic in herdenim shorts and boots.(Glastonbury摇滚音乐节上,艾玛一身牛仔短裤和黑色铆钉靴子的搭配颇为时尚。)
  • 19、Rachel Zoe describes Cameron Diaz to People as "the ultimatedenim girl – it's what she feels the most herself in."(雷切尔·佐伊向《人物》杂志这样描述卡梅隆·迪亚兹:“终极牛仔裤女孩——只有穿牛仔裤时她才觉得最舒服。”)
  • 20、Dream "denim" 1.4.1 has been released last week.(Dream“denim”1.4.1也在上个星期已经发布。)
  • 21、Darkdenim: You really can't go wrong with a pair of straight leg darkdenim.(深色粗斜纹棉布牛仔裤:选择一条这种牛仔裤你是不会错的。) 【好工具】
  • 22、The Special Edition Cameleondenim includes a sun canopy & bassinet apron in one box.(特别版卡默莱昂牛仔在盒子里包括一个遮阳棚及摇篮围裙。)
  • 23、Later,denim was substituted, and copper riveting was added to pocket seams.(后来又用粗斜纹布取代帆布,并用裤袋边上加了铜钉。)
  • 24、Part of the renewed interest indenim may have to do with the economy: hard-times chic in hard times.(牛仔装的捲土重来可能与目前的经济状况有关:艰难时世流行粗犷衣装。)
  • 25、"Farming doesn't feed us enough, " says Zhou, her hair tucked underadenim hat.(“光靠种地我们吃不饱饭,”周说,她的头发盘卷在一顶牛仔帽里面。)
  • 26、You'll now have eight pieces ofdenim.(现在共有八块牛仔布了。)
  • 27、I wore a simple black dress when I should have been indenim, striped cotton or white linen.(我穿了一件朴素的黑裙子,而不是条纹棉睡衣或白色亚麻布睡衣。)



英 [ˈdenɪm] 美 [ˈdɛnɪm] 
