


更新时间:2024-06-10 00:00:28



  • 1、If you don't manage what is said about you in social networks it could bedetrimental.(如果你做的跟你在社交网络上说的不一样则可能造成反效果。)
  • 2、In cooperation games, costly punishment is adetrimental and self-destructive behavior.(在协作游戏中,昂贵的惩罚是一种有害和自我毁灭的行为。)
  • 3、This unnecessary worrying, she argues, isdetrimental to parents.(她认为这些不必要的担忧对家长来说是有害的。)
  • 4、Then, one day, I came across a book called In Praise of Slowness and realized that being busy is not onlydetrimental, but also has the danger of turning life into an endless race.(然后,有一天,我读到了一本名为《慢活哲学》的书,意识到忙碌不仅有害,而且有把生活变成一场无休止的赛跑的风险。)
  • 5、If one of their genes becomes stronglydetrimental, the whole genome can be lost.(如果其中一个基因出现严重病症,整个染色体就会遭殃。)
  • 6、But then I remember balancing a behavioral checkbook isdetrimental to my happiness.(然而后来我意识到平衡得到于给予的账簿并不会让我感到幸福。)
  • 7、But I think that correcting for it would bedetrimental.(但我认为试图为之改变会是有害不利的。)
  • 8、At the moment, though, more needs to be done to reduce thedetrimental impact it would have on the environment, particularly as regards the use of energy.(不过,目前还需要做更多来减少它对环境的负面影响,特别是在能源使用方面。)
  • 9、Can having a bad job be moredetrimental to mental health than no job?(不适宜的工作对心理健康的影响比没有工作更加严重吗?)
  • 10、Ultimately, these inequities aredetrimental to all city dwellers.(这些不公平现象最终会危害所有城市居民。)
  • 11、Sometimes too much attention is just asdetrimental as too little.(有时候太多的关注和太少的关注一样的不利。)
  • 12、Human behaviour, however, is having adetrimental impact on animal migration.(然而,人类行为正在对动物迁徙产生不利的影响。)
  • 13、Lime in the soil isdetrimental to some plants.(土壤里的石灰对某些植物有害。)
  • 14、It should be no surprise that extreme eating habits can bedetrimental to one's health.(过度的饮食习惯会危害健康这点应该没有人会觉得奇怪。)
  • 15、Contrast effects can also bedetrimental for the user experience.(对比效果同样会对用户体验产生不利的影响。)
  • 16、These products also havedetrimental side effects.(这些产品也有不利的影响。)
  • 17、Many foods are suspected of beingdetrimental to health because of the chemicals and additives they contain.(许多食物因所含的化学成分和添加剂被怀疑有害健康。)
  • 18、The advantage of biological control in contrast to other methods is that it provides a relatively low-cost, perpetual control system with a minimum ofdetrimental side-effects.(与其他方法相比,生物防治的优点是它提供了一种成本相对较低、有害副作用最小的永久性防治系统。)
  • 19、Failing to recognize our true level of success is verydetrimental to our growth in life.(对自己成功程度错误的认知非常不利于我们的成长。)
  • 20、Does this handling have adetrimental effect on children?(这些处理对于孩子有负面影响吗?)
  • 21、This scar isdetrimental to his looks.(这个疤痕有损于他的容貌。)
  • 22、Resources do not guarantee prosperity, and may provedetrimental to it if mismanaged.(资源丰富不能保证国家繁荣,反之如果管理不当还会对国家不利。)
  • 23、The half-assed code eventually costs a lot higher and isdetrimental to the business.(长期来看,半途而废的代码成本要高得多,而且会伤害业务。) hAo86.com
  • 24、Not all the values I absorbed as a child weredetrimental.(并非我所有小时候吸收的观念都有害。)



英 [ˌdetrɪˈmentl] 美 [ˌdɛtrəˈmɛntl] 
副词: detrimentally

