
更新时间:2024-04-26 23:02:44



  • 1、They mostly operate from their own shelters indingy by lanes near Sriya Square.(他们大多从自己脏乱的庇护所到斯里亚(Sriya)广场边的小巷里经营。)
  • 2、She hung her coat upon the hook in the entrance to the small,dingy apartment, and opened the door to the kitchen.(她把衣服挂到狭小、肮脏的公寓门口的衣架上,打开门进到厨房。)
  • 3、It is getting a bit dirty anddingy.(房子变得又脏又暗了。)
  • 4、Adingy roof was erected, hiding a domed glass ceiling.(一个黑暗的屋顶被竖立起来,遮盖住了圆顶玻璃天花板。)
  • 5、Adingy yellow brings about negative feelings: caution, criticism, laziness, and jealousy.(肮脏的黄色带来负面的感觉:警告,批评,懒惰和嫉妒。)
  • 6、The poor were housed indingy rotting buildings.(穷人住在昏暗的朽烂的房子里。)
  • 7、Small Spaces don't have to feel dark,dingy or cramped.(小空间并不意谓着黑暗、肮脏、狭窄。)
  • 8、The snow-capped peaks north of the fire aredingy brown and partially obscured by smoke.(山火北面的山峰雪顶显出黯淡的褐色,一部分被浓烟遮掩。)
  • 9、In the latter, crowds on cold errands shifted pastdingy stores, in the deep recesses of which lights were already gleaming.(在波威里街上,冒着寒冷出来办事的人,转过一家又一家幽暗的店铺,店堂的深处已经亮起了灯光。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 10、The landlord pays cleaners who come daily, and there is adingy shared washroom where residents can clean their belongings.(房东雇了清洁工每天来打扫,还有一个昏暗的公用盥洗室,供住户们洗自己的东西。)
  • 11、Opposite this grandeur on the surrey side were thedingy warehouses and factories of lambeth.(在这壮观的景物对面,在萨里这一边,是兰贝斯的脏污的栈房和一家家工厂。)
  • 12、Inside the ceilings are low, the lightingdingy and the air thick with stale smoke.(里面的天花板低小,灯光昏暗,空气中弥漫着陈腐的烟雾。)
  • 13、Which I guess is my way of saying that I miss you all and thatdingy place.(我猜这是我想念你们及那昏暗的地方的方式。)
  • 14、My older brother and I lived with Mom in adingy multi-family house in Detroit.(我和哥哥和妈妈住在底特律一所肮脏的多户住宅里。)
  • 15、Littered on the grass, we seemeddingy, urban riff-raff. We defiled the scene, like sardine-tins and paper bags on the seashore.(我们却好像是一堆肮脏的城市垃圾,被胡乱丢在草地上。如同海滩上的纸袋和沙丁鱼罐头盒一样败坏风景。)
  • 16、Impelled by a nervous fear, he rose and went into thedingy hall, where he counted his remaining money, unseen.(一种精神上的恐惧促使他站起身来,走进阴暗的过道,那里没人看见他。)
  • 17、We were having an important discussion about diplomacy and the next thing I know, you're talking about that diplomatic courier in thedingy suit over there.(我们正在进行一个关于外交的重要讨论,接下来我知道的是,你正在谈论那边那个穿着肮脏衣服的外交信使。)
  • 18、Their stores generally weredingy, and their shelves were filled with low-quality clothing and housewares.(他们的商店一般都昏暗肮脏,他们的货架摆满了劣质衣物和日常用品。)
  • 19、The hotel lies back of adingy passage and forms a rectangle very much on the order of a modern penitentiary.(这家旅馆位于一条阴暗的小道后面,呈一个长方形,同一所现代罪犯教养所十分相似。)
  • 20、He lives in adingy room.(他住在一个肮脏的屋子里。)
  • 21、They weren't magical slippers — justdingy sneakers with dishwater-color laces.(它们并不是什么神奇的拖鞋,只是系着洗碗水颜色的鞋带的肮脏球鞋。)
  • 22、His office is really dark anddingy.(他的办公室实在是又暗又脏。)
  • 23、I took mydingy volume by the scroop, and hurled it into the dog kennel, vowing I hated a good book.(我提起我这本脏书的书皮哗啦一下,使劲地把它扔到狗窝里去,赌咒说我恨善书。)
  • 24、Shaw took me to hisdingy office.(肖把我带到他那又暗又脏的办公室。)



英 [ˈdɪndʒi] 美 [ˈdɪŋi] 
副词: dingily 比较级: dingier 最高级: dingiest 名词: dinginess
