


更新时间:2024-06-03 00:06:06



  • 1、The number 17, for example, is prime, because it isdivisible only by 1 and 17.(例如17就是质数,因为它只能被1和17整除。)
  • 2、Accidents do notdivisible, equal to fanghuguishan.(事故隐患不除尽,等于放虎归山里。)
  • 3、The integer 1 isdivisible only by itself; it is not a prime.(整数1只能被它本身整除,所以不是素数。)
  • 4、Now, these three new variables may not be alldivisible by 5 (otherwise their sum would be too).(现在,这三个新的数值不可能全都被5整除(否则它们的和也要被5整除)。)
  • 5、8 isdivisible by 2 and 4, but not by 3.(8可被2和4除尽,但不能被3除尽。)
  • 6、That remainder is compared to 0 (it is the remainder 0 and, thus, num isdivisible by 3).(该余数与0比较(如果余数是0,那么该数可以被3整除)。)
  • 7、The first if statement evaluates True, because 5 isn't evenlydivisible by 25.(第一个if语句计算为True,因为5不能被25整除。)
  • 8、He argued that all matter was infinitelydivisible.(他坚持所有物质都可无限地分。)
  • 9、This Guarantee isdivisible, transferable and assignable without presentation of it to us.(这项担保可以分割、让与和过户,而无须向我们陈述。)
  • 10、In this case, it is creating a function calleddivisible-by-3-or-5?.(在本例中,第一行实际上是创建了一个名为divisible-by-3-or-5?的函数。)
  • 11、Even hundred fold grief isdivisible by love.(再大的悲伤也会被爱驱散。)
  • 12、All the rest of the even Numbers notdivisible by four are in group three.(所有其余的偶数不能整除四个组三个。)
  • 13、They're notdivisible.(他们是不可分离的。)
  • 14、Years that aredivisible by 100 are not leap years, unless they're alsodivisible by 400.(发现可被100整除的年份不一定是闰年,除非它能被400整除。)
  • 15、As a result, the body of the second if statement is executed when the value of the variable I is evenlydivisible by 125.(因此,当变量i的值能被125整除时执行第二个if语句体。)
  • 16、Interphase isdivisible into various stages each characterized by a differing physiological activity.(根据细胞生理活性差异可以把间期分成不同的阶段。)
  • 17、This is exactly the set of Numbers we want to check to see if they aredivisible by 3 or 5.(这组数正是我们想要检查是否可被3或5整除的那些数。)
  • 18、So the filter expression will result in a sequence of integers where each is less than 1,000 anddivisible by 3 or 5.(因此,这个过滤器表达式的结果是一个整数序列,其中每个整数都小于1,000且能被3或5整除。)
  • 19、JANE STREET CAPITAL: "What is the smallest numberdivisible by 225 that consists of all 1s and 0s?"(简街资本:能被225整除,只包含0和1的最小的数字是多少?) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 20、All even Numbers that aredivisible by four are in group two.(所有的偶数是可分四个是在第二组。)
  • 21、The filter expression will result in a sequence of integers where each is less than 1,000 anddivisible by 3 or 5.(该筛选表达式将产生一个整数序列,其中每个整数都小于1000且能被3或5整除。)
  • 22、But century yearsdivisible by 400, like 2000, would be leap years.(但能被400整除的世纪年2000年,则为闰年。)
  • 23、Twenty-eight isdivisible by seven.(二十八可以被七整除。)
  • 24、How to check if given number isdivisible of 15 in fastest way?(如何检查,如果给定数量以最快捷的方式,可分为15?)
  • 25、The method can approximate the infinitelydivisible cascades model of traffic.(该方法用于近似业务量的无穷可分层叠模型。)
  • 26、That may be another reason why Chinese interest rates aredivisible by nine: it is seen as an auspicious number.(这也许正是中国设定利率需被9除尽的另一原因:9被视为一个吉祥的数字。)
  • 27、The holism and complex systems theory display that matter isdivisible.(整体论和复杂系统理论表明物质仍然是可分的。)
  • 28、Thirteen is notdivisible by any even number.(很多人认为十三是个不吉利的数字。)



英 [dɪˈvɪzəbl] 美 [dɪˈvɪzəbəl] 
副词: divisibly 名词: divisibility
