


更新时间:2024-06-03 00:04:49



  • 1、The pair were colleagues in Mr Brown'sentourage, but Mr Miliband was very much the junior one.(巴尔斯和米利班德曾一起共事,他们都是布朗的随从,但米利班德地位相对较低。)
  • 2、HBO has already confirmed this will be the final season forentourage.(HBO电视网已经确认这将会是《明星伙伴》的最后一季。)
  • 3、He has a secret serviceentourage and secret service code-names (" renegade "for him and" Renaissance "for his wife).(他有的特勤保镖和特勤代号(他的代号是“叛徒”,而他妻子的代号是“复兴”)。)
  • 4、And a young boy in hisentourage is holding his pocket.(而随从他的一个年青男孩握着他的口袋。)
  • 5、She travelled with anentourage of 60 and, so it is said, her own supplies of Irish stew.(她带了多达60个随从出行,据说还有爱尔兰炖肉。)
  • 6、Tink has since gathered anentourage of fellow flirtatious fairies.(叮儿现在有了一帮子媚惑的小仙女伙伴跟随着。)
  • 7、Down in the lobby, a woman pointed at theentourage and said, "Who's that?"(在楼下的大厅里,一位女士指着不断接近的人流说,“那是谁啊?”)
  • 8、Nor is it just humans and ourentourage of cats, dogs, sheep and company, that have lots of versions of lots of genes.(不仅仅是人类和人类身边的猫、狗、羊及其它物种有大量基因变异。)
  • 9、In advance of his arrival, a member of hisentourage visited every booth to make sure that nothing might cause offence.(在他到来之前,他的一名随从检查了每个展位,确保一切不会对统领造成伤害。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 10、If Mr Lukashenka'sentourage feel that Moscow has ditched their boss, they may abandon ship.(假如卢卡申科的幕僚们觉察到莫斯科已经抛弃了他们的老板,那么他们或许会弃船而逃。)
  • 11、Determined to travel rapidly, Washington and hisentourage set out each day at sunrise and put in a full day on the road.(华盛顿一行急于到达,他们每天天亮就出发,然后赶一天的路。)
  • 12、An ancestor of his was Christoph von Lieven, a bright young general in Alexander'sentourage.(他有位祖先克里斯托弗•范•列文,是亚历山大随从中一位聪明的年轻将军。)
  • 13、Rachel was quickly whisked away by herentourage.(雷切尔很快被她的随从带走了。)
  • 14、Instead, Palin and herentourage accidentally ran into McCain in the parking lot as they were making a quiet exit.(但实际上,当佩林和她的随行人员安静地离开时,在停车场恰好遇到麦凯恩。)
  • 15、None of the otherentourage cast was here.(《明星伙伴》剧组的其他成员并没有出现。)
  • 16、This is not so much a crime as part of the implied contract between you and yourentourage.(与其说这是犯罪,不如说这是你和随从间的默认合同。)
  • 17、This man was surrounded by a bevy of middle-aged European women who seemed to function as anentourage of Rhine maidens.(老人被一群中年欧洲女子围着,好像是莱茵女儿的仆人。)
  • 18、entourage has landed a big guest star for season eight.(《明星伙伴》第八季又迎来一位明星客串了。)
  • 19、Anyhow, when my father came, we would be content with wandering round about hisentourage and in the company of his servants.(不管怎样,父亲回到家,我们能在他周围走来走去,能和他的仆人在一起,我们就心满意足了。)
  • 20、For months, he has regularly changed cellphones, and had members of his close-knitentourage answer them for him.(几个月来,他经常改变联系方式,电话也常常由身边的随行人员代为接听。)



英 [ˈɒnturɑ:ʒ] 美 [ˈɑ:nturɑ:ʒ] 
