in haste造句

更新时间:2024-05-26 23:23:27


in haste造句

  • 1、But now we must leave it, and goin haste.(但现在我们必须离开它,并且迅速前进。)
  • 2、The houses were leftin haste and all the things were abandoned.(匆忙中人们抛下了房子,任何东西都不可以带走。)
  • 3、Do you see a man who speaksin haste?(你见言语急躁的人吗?)
  • 4、Obviously, there weren't: the Paulson plan was clearly drawn upin haste and confusion.(显然,并没有这样的方案:保尔森方案分明是在一片仓促混乱中草拟的。)
  • 5、He said he wanted to get the decision right, not make itin haste, which suggests that the field may be wider.(他说他希望做出正确的决定,而非草率决定,这暗示选择面可能会更宽。)
  • 6、And thus shall ye eat it; with your loins girded, your shoes on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and ye shall eat itin haste: it is the LORD's Passover.(12:11你们吃羊羔当腰间束带,脚上穿鞋,手中拿杖,赶紧地吃,这是耶和华的逾越节。)
  • 7、"You have chosen to act at the instance and behest of (activist) Ms Medha Patkar and othersin haste and in a high-handed arbitrary manner," the statement said.(该声明说:“你选择了作用于该实例,MedhaPatkar(激进)女士和其他一些人在高压武断的方式”。)
  • 8、This view was, it is true, reachedin haste, at a time of crisis.(没错,这一观点是在危机时刻仓促形成的。)
  • 9、in haste, I pushed him away, and everyone else who approached me.(我赶紧把他和其他所有靠近我的人推开。)
  • 10、The expedition was organizedin haste and in a haphazard way.(这次远征是在一片匆忙和混乱中组织起来的。)
  • 11、You should not actin haste.(不宜操之过急。)
  • 12、All of us carried parts of our Sunday picnic lunch, grabbedin haste from the truck as we fled the storm.(我们每个人都拿着逃离时匆忙地从卡车上拿下来部分星期日的野餐。)
  • 13、The letter had clearly been writtenin haste.(这封信明显是在匆忙中写的。)
  • 14、The National Guards of the suburbs rushed upin haste and disorder.(郊区的国民自卫军匆匆忙忙乱哄哄地赶来了。)
  • 15、in haste, some take the first opportunity that presents itself.(有些人匆匆忙忙地接受了主动出现的第一个机会。)
  • 16、Those in the barricade heard a low and rapid whisper, like the murmur of a priest who is despatching a prayerin haste.(人们从街垒里听到一阵低微、急促、象个牧师匆匆念诵祈祷文似的声音。)
  • 17、That will be true even if there are no earmarks in the legislation, because when decisions are madein haste without proper vetting, waste is inevitable.(即使议会法律没有了标记,这也是毋庸置疑的事实,因为只要是缺乏考证急于作出的决定,浪费都是在所难免。)
  • 18、My workmate gestured, clarifying his intentions of using a forged (faked) passportin haste.(我的同事打着手势,匆忙地解释着他使用假护照的意图。)
  • 19、When she did read, she read sloppily,in haste, sometimes reading the wrong section (she was often out of place in the sequence of steps).(当她真的在阅读指南的时候,她读的很快,而且不免粗心,有的时候还会跳到错误的段落(她经常迷失在一系列的操作步骤中)。)
  • 20、She went therein haste.(她匆匆忙忙去那里。)
  • 21、Bring the doctorin haste.(快把医生请来。)
  • 22、Sally wanted some time to consider Sam's proposal of marriage; she had heard the saying, "Marryin haste, and repent at leisure."(莎莉需要一些时间来考虑山姆的求婚,她听过那句谚语:结婚太急,后悔莫及。)
  • 23、Do itin haste but with caution.(赶快做这件事情但是要小心。)
  • 24、They went offin haste.(他们匆匆忙忙地走了。)
  • 25、Watch out for decisions madein haste, especially when it comes to unsolicited offers.(特别当心匆忙的时候做出的决定,尤其是那些不请自来的机会。)
  • 26、She dressedin haste, though with great difficulty, being nervous and excited.(尽管费了很大的劲,她还是匆匆忙忙地穿好衣服,显得既紧张又兴奋。)
  • 27、He left homein haste.(他匆忙地离开了家。)

in haste基本释义

in haste

英 [in heist] 美 [ɪn hest] 