
be independent of造句

be independent of造句

更新时间:2024-04-26 22:28:03


be independent of造句

  • 1、Decolorization was proved tobe independent of light by means of experiments.(通过实验证明了脱色过程与光照无关。)
  • 2、On the contrary, Aristotle insisted that the cultivation of virtue depends on Custom and education. Furthermore, it can notbe independent of law and threatening of punishment.(亚里士多德对于德性养成的见解与之恰成对照,他认为德性的养成要依赖习惯和训练,同时也离不开法律的教化与惩罚的威胁。)
  • 3、The definitions show that each of these categories of problems canbe independent of each other.(定义显示,每一种类别的问题跟其他的问题是没有相关性的。)
  • 4、The police force shouldbe independent of direct government control.(警方应该不受政府的直接控制。)
  • 5、So if we twist it too much up, then, of course, we will permanently deform it, and then the period will notbe independent of theta maximum.(如果转动过度,当然,会永远毁坏的,那么周期和,θ最大值相关。)
  • 6、It was important to me to be financially independent of my parents.(在经济上不依赖父母,这对我很重要。)
  • 7、A general purpose SCADA system's software shouldbe independent of the hardware and can be applied to various power systems.(本文描述了我们开发的SCADA系统的硬、软件设计和实现。设计目标力图实现通用性。)
  • 8、They planned to go camping so as tobe independent of hotels.(他们计划去露营,免得去住旅馆。)
  • 9、The experiments of segmenting left ventricle MRI images show that this modelbe independent of the initial position and can segment image automatically.(实验结果表明,该模型与轮廓线初始位置无关,能实现MRI图像的自动分割。)
  • 10、While in Confucian ontology, noumenon cannot exist without appearance and Faramita cannotbe independent of temporality.(在儒家的本体论中,本体不离现象,彼岸与此岸不分。)
  • 11、And this appears tobe independent of weight loss. It occurred very very early.(这似乎与体重减轻无关,由于起作用非常早。)
  • 12、Recently, many senior high school students hoped tobe independent of their parents, and in the meanwhile, more and more parents began to concentrate their attention on the generation gap.(最近,许多高中生希望能不再依靠父母;与此同时,越来越多的父母开始关注起了代沟现象。)
  • 13、You should learn tobe independent of your parents.(你应该学习不要依赖父母。)
  • 14、No matter what kinds of Qigong skills they are, none of them canbe independent of the three aspects: to regulate the body, to regulate the respiration and to regulate the heart.(气功分为静功和动功两大类,而无论哪一类气功都离不开调身、调息和调心这三个方面。)
  • 15、TPS designed on kernel of this platform inherited its attribute, and canbe independent of hardware of ATS. The platform provided the foundation for general utility ATS design.(在平台内核基础上设计的TPS继承了平台内核的属性,具有很好的可重用性及硬件无关性。)
  • 16、Each session mustbe independent of all others, and the system must scale transparently to thousandss of simultaneous customers.(各个会话之间没有依赖关系,系统必须能毫无困难地扩展到几千个并发客户。)
  • 17、Your questions shouldbe independent of each other.(你们的问题应该是相互间毫无关联的。)
  • 18、Can not imagine, a nation without a strong spiritual support, canbe independent of the world's forests.(不能设想,一个没有强大精神支柱的民族,可以自立于世界之林。)
  • 19、This shouldbe independent of scale, so this information can be used to help design the full scale reactor.(这与规模大小无关,所以这些信息可用于实际规模的反应器设计。)
  • 20、The actual computation example shows that the optimal sampling frequency locations are found tobe independent of the system response, and solely depend on the nature of the excitation.(实际算例表明,最优采样频率点位置并不依赖于系统的输出,仅仅取决于激励的性质。)
  • 21、Tom decided that he couldbe independent of Becky Thatcher now.(汤姆决定现在可以不依赖贝基·撒切尔了。)
  • 22、However, as for college students of non-English majors, vocabulary learning still gets them very much puzzled and cannotbe independent of teachers 'instructions.(然而,非英语专业一、二年级大学生的词汇学习仍依赖于并离不开语言教师的指导。)
  • 23、Our goals mustbe independent of device or even platform.(谷歌的目标是让(移动通讯)不依赖于设备甚至平台。)
  • 24、And thanks to Professor Hess, I can now say that the total energy delta H In other words, delta H formation of sodium chloride shouldbe independent of paths.(感谢道盖斯教授,我们可以认为,这整体过程,氯化钠的化合能,与路径无关。)
  • 25、Thus "Bull" can'tbe independent of Spanish component part.(因此“公牛”也成为西班牙一个不可缺少的组成部分。)
  • 26、Further, the absolute concentrations of these metabolites in EPS appear tobe independent of age, increasing the potential utility of these markers due to elimination of age as a confounding variable.(另外,EPS中这三种代谢物的绝对浓度看起来与年龄无关的。由于不需要年龄作为混杂变量,增加了这些标记物的潜在效用。) hAo86.com
  • 27、As a special mark of river city, Yellow Crane Tower is connected tightly with its surroundings. In other words, its beauty can notbe independent of its natural setting.(黄鹤楼作为江城的特殊标志,是与其周围的环境紧密相连的。换句话说,楼的美离不开它的自然环境。)

be independent of基本释义

be independent of

英 [bi: ˌɪndiˈpendənt ɔv] 美 [bi ˌɪndɪˈpɛndənt ʌv] 
