
take charge of造句

take charge of造句

更新时间:2024-06-09 12:35:36


take charge of造句

  • 1、A Fiat veteran was parachuted in totake charge of the Chrysler brand.(一位菲亚特资深管理人突然被任命负责克莱斯勒品牌。)
  • 2、Now hang on to your hat——the boss says he wants me totake charge of the new office in Honolulu.(你得小心听着:我的老板说,他要我负责管理檀香山新开办的分公司。)
  • 3、I remember people were very happy that finally they couldtake charge of their own city.(我记得当时人们都很兴奋,因为他们终于可以当家作主了。)
  • 4、A: I'm going totake charge of the engineering department next month.(下个月我开始负责工程部。)
  • 5、Instead, we musttake charge of our own destinies.(我们必须掌握自己的命运。)
  • 6、Dr. Smith is assigned totake charge of the department.(史密斯大夫受命负责这个部门。) haO86.com
  • 7、The policeman said he wouldtake charge of the gun.(那个警察说他来看管这支枪。)
  • 8、Philip Phelps, the banker, responded with dignity: "We have come totake charge of the body."(银行家菲利普·菲尔普斯神气十足地答道:“我们是来料理遗体的。”)
  • 9、While that continues Assistant Coach Ray Wilkins willtake charge of the team on a temporary basis.(与此同时,助理教练雷-威尔金斯将临时接管球队。)
  • 10、Challenge yourself andtake charge of your own growth in your career.(挑战自己,为自己的职业发展负责。)
  • 11、Totake charge of works regarding the qualification of pharmacists and further pharmacy education.(承担药学专业技术人员任职资格评审和药学继续教育有关工作。)
  • 12、Doing that will also allow you, for a further $25, 000, totake charge of Necker Nymph, the three-seater submarine for the week.(这样做,你只要再加25000美元就可租用他的三座潜艇尼克女神号一周。)
  • 13、Instead,take charge of your health.(相反地,要对你的健康负责任。)
  • 14、Totake charge of the foreign exchanges and cooperation in respect of press, publication and copyright.(负责新闻出版和著作权方面的对外交流与合作。)
  • 15、Totake charge of the administration of languages.(承担全省语言文字的管理工作。)
  • 16、At first she tried totake charge of the meeting but I soon put her in her place.(起初她很想主持会议,但我很快就把她轰下来了。)
  • 17、take charge of shaping your social environment.(担负起塑造你社交环境的责任。)
  • 18、Totake charge of your health, look for a doctor you feel comfortable talking to.(要对你的健康负责任,寻找一名你感觉到能够舒服谈话的医生。)
  • 19、Help her learn totake charge of her own enthusiasms.(帮她学会掌控她自己的积极性。)
  • 20、Totake charge of other matters that concern food hygiene supervision.(负责其他食品卫生监督事项。)
  • 21、take charge of heart health by making healthier lifestyle choices. For example.(为使心脏健康,请选择更加健康的生活方式。)
  • 22、Well that day of reckoning has arrived, and the time totake charge of our future is here.(好了,算账的一天终于来了,而担负未来的时刻就在现在。)
  • 23、In school, I oftentake charge of various activities the same as other boys and girls.(在学校里,我和其他同学一样经常组织各种活动。)
  • 24、Totake charge of the administration of symbol of green food.(负责绿色食品标志管理工作。)
  • 25、It's important for you totake charge of your staff and establish a clear chain of command.(最重要的是控管你的员工并建立一个明确的指挥机制。)

take charge of基本释义

take charge of

英 [teik tʃɑ:dʒ ɔv] 美 [tek tʃɑrdʒ ʌv] 
负责; 照管; 监理; 担任