
be scared to death造句

be scared to death造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 00:05:37


be scared to death造句

  • 1、It's a full body experience, and it can even feel dangerous at time, but could you reallybe scared to death?(这种体验涉及全身各处有时甚至会很危险,但是你真的会被吓死吗?)
  • 2、It is scary, and I think I willbe scared to death.(那太恐怖了,我想我会被吓死的。) hAo86.com
  • 3、But her little bolder than the needle is still small, will be scared half to death to see the mouse, so people called her timid roses.(可是她的胆子很小,比针尖还小,见到老鼠也会吓得半死,所以别人又叫她胆小玫瑰。)
  • 4、I was sure if I ran into him in the dark of the night I wouldbe scared to death by his large black eyes and handlebar mustache.(如果我在漆黑的晚上撞见这个人,我多半会被他的黝黑的大眼睛和他的八字胡给吓死。)
  • 5、Right or wrong, almost everything I 've ever done has been wrapped up in readying him to be without me, and now I'm scared to death.(不管对不对,几乎我做过的每一件事情都在致力于使他准备和我分开,现在我怕得要死。)
  • 6、I was really going tobe scared to death, quickly took a dollar to him, he left.(我当时真快要被吓死了,连忙拿了一元钱给他,他才离去。)
  • 7、The poor thing mustbe scared to death.(这可怜的家伙一定差点被吓死了。)
  • 8、Eg. I'm also scared to death that we shall be discovered and be shot.(想到我们会被发现会被枪杀,我又怕得要死。)
  • 9、Similarly, with books, he said, "I wouldbe scared to death about a culture of piracy taking hold. I wouldn't mess around with price increases."(同样,就书而言,他认为:“我被紧紧握住的盗版文化吓得够呛,价格上涨正常。”)
  • 10、1 can't play too crazily. I think I willbe scared to death.(我不能玩得太疯。我想我会被吓死的。)

be scared to death基本释义

be scared to death

[bi: skeəd tu: deθ] 

魂不附体; 吓得要死, 吓个半死, 吓得不知所措