
by all means造句

by all means造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 00:03:40


by all means造句

  • 1、I think a high school graduate with superior aptitude shouldby all means go on to college.(我认为一名具有出色天赋的中学毕业生绝对应该继续念大学。)
  • 2、However,by all means make the tests.(无论如何,尽一切办法进行测试。)
  • 3、He has got both corresponding education and talents and isby all means equal to this job.(他既接受过相应的教育又有天赋,当然可以胜任这份工作。)
  • 4、by all means ask the basic customer satisfaction questions.(通过各种方法,以下这些问题是客户满意调查中的基本问题。)
  • 5、We must prevent thisby all means.(我们必须采取一切手段阻止(这一计划)。)
  • 6、Please find it outby all means.(无论如何请找到。)
  • 7、by all means, this isn't the end!(无论如何,这都不是结束!)
  • 8、"Then,by all means, don't let me stop you," he finally said, and started to back away.(“无论如何,我不妨碍你了”他最后说,迈步要回去。)
  • 9、If you know that exclusive access will not cause problems,by all means use table locking.(如果知道独占访问不会导致问题,那么就应该尽量使用表锁。)
  • 10、If you're invited to Tours or orientation sessions at your new school,by all means go.(如果在新学校,你被邀请参加旅行或着新生介绍会,尽量去参加。)
  • 11、by all means recommend books to your child.(想尽办法向你的孩子推荐些书。)
  • 12、If reading sends you to sleep,by all means use it but if it's revving you up, avoid it!(如果阅读令你犯困,就用这种方法但入股它令你清醒,请避免使用!)
  • 13、by all means, go to your own recitation instructor as well.(你当然也可以,按照你自己的方法背诵。)
  • 14、If you're interested in a specific language project,by all means, check it out for yourself.(如果对某个项目感兴趣,请务必自己查看一下。)
  • 15、"by all means, reach out to your social network, but as you cast a wide net looking for job prospects, be conscious of every email you send," Fay suggests.(Fay建议:“用一切方法接触你的社交网络,但是,在你广撒网找工作机会的时候,也要注意你发出的每封邮件。”)
  • 16、If you enjoy reading, thenby all means do that whenever you want.(如果你喜欢阅读,不管什么时候,都要想尽一切办法去读。) hao86.com
  • 17、In this case,by all means focus your tests on that one area.(在这种情况下,务必使您的测试集中在那个区域。)
  • 18、If you're ready for it, however, thenby all means go for it.(如果你准备好了,无论如何,尽一切可能去做。)
  • 19、If your boss knows you're on the lookout for a new job, thenby all means let it be known.(如果你的老板知道你在寻找一份新的工作,那么千方百计让这件事公之于众。)
  • 20、"Can I come and have a look at your house?"—"Yes,by all means."(“我能过来看看你的房子吗?”—“可以,当然可以。”)
  • 21、Savor the moment,by all means. But don't get complacent.(想方设法地享受这个时刻吧,但不要忘乎所以。)

by all means基本释义

by all means

尽一切办法; 务必;一定