更新时间:2024-06-03 00:11:16



  • 1、McGraw Hill didn't respond to a request for comment, but itsCEO David Levin told the Financial Times in August that "in higher education, the era of the printed textbook is now over.(麦格劳·希尔没有回应记者的置评请求,但其首席执行官戴维·莱文在8月份告诉英国《金融时报》:“在高等教育领域,纸质版教科书的时代已经结束。”)
  • 2、Despite the increasingly hostile sideswipes at him, theCEO is secure in his post.(尽管有越来越多的人借机恶意抨击首席执行官,他的职位仍然很稳固。)
  • 3、For years executives and headhunters have adhered to the rule that the most attractiveCEO candidates are the ones who must be poached.(多年来,高管和猎头公司一直坚持这样一条规则:最引人注目的执行总裁候选人是必须要挖走的人。)
  • 4、Within two weeks, he was talking for the first time with the board of Hartford Financial Services Group, which named himCEO and chairman on September 29.(不到两周,他就与哈特福德金融服务集团的董事会进行了首次谈话,该集团于9月29日任命他为首席执行官兼董事长。)
  • 5、The newCEO is an educated, amiable, and decent man.(新的首席执行官是一位受过良好教育、亲切、正派的人。)
  • 6、"The cool thing is, you can actually predict the curve, in many cases, " says companyCEO Christopher Ahlberg.(“酷的事是,在很多情况下,你实际上可以预测曲线。”该公司首席执行官克里斯托弗·阿尔伯格说。)
  • 7、The chairs next sought women in business who had the equivalent ofCEO experience.(董事会接下来寻找的是有类似CEO经验的商界女性。)
  • 8、Mr. Cross will assume the role ofCEO with a team of four directors.(克罗斯先生将担任由4位执行官组成的一个团队的首席执行官一职。)
  • 9、Apple ComputerCEO Steve Jobs' address at Stanford University that year, in which he talked about death, is also considered one of the best in recent memory.(苹果电脑公司的首席执行官史蒂夫·乔布斯当年在斯坦福大学的演讲中谈到了死亡,那次演讲也被认为是近年来最好的演讲之一。)
  • 10、He went to work for a battery research company and waited years before the founder promoted him toCEO.(他去了一家电池研究公司工作,历经数年,直到创始人将他提拔为首席执行官。)
  • 11、Every business needs two things, says SkullcandyCEO Rick Alden: inspiration and desperation.(Skullcandy的首席执行官里克·奥尔登表示,每个企业都需要两样东西:灵感和绝望。)
  • 12、I want to sit at the table with theCEO, with the CFO, with all major decision makers.(我希望能够与首席执行、首席财务官,以及所有主要的决策者同桌而坐。)
  • 13、"It's been postponed until 2017," says Anna Somers, the founder andCEO of The Art Newspaper and the former head of Venice in Peril, a group devoted to restoring Venetian art.(安娜·萨默斯是《艺术报》的创始人和首席执行官,也是致力于恢复威尼斯艺术的威尼斯危机组织的前负责人。她说:“这次展览被推迟到2017年。”)
  • 14、"Digital textbooks are not going to catch on," says InklingCEO Matt Maclnnis as he's giving me a demo over coffee.(“电子教科书不会流行起来。”Inkling的首席执行官马特·麦克尼斯边喝咖啡边给我做演示边说。)
  • 15、In the third quarter,CEO turnover was down 23% from a year ago as nervous boards struck with the leader they had, according to Liberum Research.(第三季度,首席执行官补充人数比一年前下降23%,因为根据利伯伦研究公司的调查,神经紧张的董事会不愿舍弃他们曾经的领导人。)
  • 16、After meeting with the PalestinianCEO delegation, I would say 200% yes.(在与巴勒斯坦首席执行官代表团会面后,我想说200%同意。)
  • 17、Overhead may be high and circulation lower, but rushing to eliminate its print edition would be a mistake, says BuzzFeedCEO Jonah Peretti.(BuzzFeed首席执行官乔纳·佩雷蒂表示,公司的运营费用可能很高,发行量可能较低,但急于砍掉印刷版的产品会是个错误。)
  • 18、TheCEO has named a new chief financial officer.(执行总裁已经提名了一位新的财务总监。) (好工具
  • 19、Enron Chairman andCEO Kenneth Lay took the Fifth Amendment during his congressional testimony.(安然董事会主席兼总监肯尼迪·雷在国会听证会上使用了修正案第五条,拒绝回答问题。)
  • 20、A chief financial officer at a for-profit company may well be able to step into theCEO or COO role at a nonprofit company.(营利性企业的一位首席财务官在非营利性机构中有可能担任CEO或COO。)
  • 21、According to the company'sCEO, Rose Marcario, this is about building a company that cares about the environment.(该公司首席执行官罗斯·马尔卡里奥表示,这是为了打造一家关注环境的公司。)
  • 22、Yet Walmart's year-over-year online sales only grew 7 percent, leading itsCEO to lament "Growth here is too slow."(然而,沃尔玛的网上销售同比仅增长了7%,导致其总裁哀叹“增长太慢”。)
  • 23、What sealed Nokia's fate was a series of decisions made by Stephen Elop in his position asCEO, which he assumed in October 2010.(决定诺基亚命运的是斯蒂芬·埃洛普在2010年10月担任CEO时做出的一系列决定。)
  • 24、The collage was reportedly created by actual Asus designers--CEO Jonney Shih, who said the company encourages its designers to foster any kind of crazy ideas.(据报道,这幅拼贴画是由真正的华硕设计师——华硕首席执行官施崇棠设计的,他表示公司鼓励设计师们,以促进任何疯狂的想法。)
  • 25、I'm theCEO of the company.(我是这家公司的首席执行官。)
  • 26、The fire chief wasn't exactly the fire chief. I guess he was theCEO.(消防队长并不是真正的消防队长。我猜他是首席执行官。)



英 [ˌsi: i: ˈəʊ] 美 [ˈoʊ] 
异体字: C.E.O.

abbr.首席执行长官 (=Chief Executive Officer)