
shut away造句

shut away造句

更新时间:2024-05-26 23:34:40


shut away造句

  • 1、They offer a virtual Internet addiction test that can help you determine whether it might be time to shut down, logoff or change your IM status to "away."(该中心提供一种网络成瘾虚拟测试,这能帮你决定是否是时候来关机,登出账户或者改变即时通讯状态为“离线”。)
  • 2、The ambulance\'s rear door slammed shut, and the vehicle raced off to a hospital in the provincial capital of Chengdu, 50 miles away.(救护车立刻关上后门,迅速驶离这里,飞奔向五十英里之外省会成都的医院。)
  • 3、He shut the lid and pressed the lock, when away flew the trunk up the chimney with the merchant's son in it, right up into the clouds.(它真的飞起来了。嘘——箱子带着他从烟囱里飞出去了,高高地飞到云层里,越飞越远。)
  • 4、You can't shut it and walk away as if it had never existed.(你不能关上门,然后走开,好像一切从未发生过。)
  • 5、At the bakery, a heavy metal door swings open and then clangs shut quickly, and a man scurries away holding five round pieces of freshly baked bread.(在一家面包店,一扇沉重的金属门突然打开,然后又很快地关上。一名男子捧着5个刚刚出炉的圆面包迅速离去。)
  • 6、We were just trying to get her away because we didn't know if they had shut the valves off to the pumps or anything.(我们努力想把她救出来,因为我们不知道(工作人员)是否关闭了加油站的阀门。)
  • 7、The young man walked sadly away, and when he reached the palace he shut himself into his room, and for the rest of the day refused to see anyone, even his wife.(年轻人伤心地走了。回到宫殿后,他把自己关在房间里,之后,拒绝见任何人,甚至是他的妻子。)
  • 8、It activates a gamma-ray detector that will spot a nuclear blast as much as 100 miles away and instantly shut all the airvents. He had it tested before moving in.(它能使伽马射线嗅探器工作——嗅探100英里外核爆炸并立即关闭所有通风口。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 9、As a collectable, the functional mechanics of this design cannot be displayed without making a cut-away, as the parts are all crimped shut when manufactured.(作为收藏,这种设计的功能力学无法显示没有作出削减了,因为所有的部件都关闭时,轧花生产。)
  • 10、How long have you beenshut away in here?(你被关在这里多久了?)
  • 11、They shut the queen up in the bath, and tried to suffocate her, and the old woman put her own ugly daughter in the queen's bed that the king might not know she was away.(她们把王后按在了浴缸里,并想要淹死她,而这个老女人把她自己的丑陋的女儿放在了王后的床上,国王并不知道她已经不在了。)
  • 12、Remembering my own desire to be more patient, more present, I shut it all down and put it all away and headed out with my son who wanted and needed me.(我想起了我之前说的:希望我自己更加有耐心,更加珍惜现在,所以我关掉了电脑,把文章先放在一边,然后我朝着我儿子走去。)
  • 13、Your father's voice sounds farther and farther away now as you clutch the Grammy close to your chest and squeeze your eyes shut.(在你把格莱美紧紧地搂在怀里并使劲地闭上眼睛时,你父亲的声音听起来越来越远了。)
  • 14、It seems a gargantuan task to teach a pupil to memorize every word he needs to know, much as if the child were being asked to shovel a huge pile of sand, with the shovelshut away.(教一个小学生去死背他们需要掌握的每一个单词,看来真是一项浩繁的任务,可更像要一个孩子铲掉一大堆沙子,却不给他铲子。)
  • 15、Once, when the big concern I'd been trading with for months shut down on me I made up my mind to take a little more of their money away from them.(一次,一个我经常去作交易的交易商甚至把我拒之门外,我决定从他们哪儿多赚点钱。)
  • 16、Later on we all saw that the same company got shut down and ran away.(后来,我们都看到这家公司的倒闭,人们也都作鸟兽散。)
  • 17、If speculators on the futures markets get carried away, pushing prices so high that refineries run at a loss, they will simply shut down, causing the price to fall again.(如果期货市场的投机商被冲昏了头,将价格抬到了炼油厂要负债经营的地步,这些工厂只须一关门,油价就会回落。)
  • 18、I hate beingshut away in the country.(我很不喜欢住在闭塞的乡村。)
  • 19、The Bauhaus philosophy is still very much alive today, and cannot simply beshut away inside a drab museum.(包豪斯的理念在今天仍然是非常活跃的,并不能简单地被关在一个单调的博物馆内。)
  • 20、It is incredible, you stand and watch him play his wonderfully loud instruments, then shut the door and hear only a dull thumping mere feet away.(难以置信的是明明看到他演奏着重金属乐器,但是一旦关上门音乐声就变得微乎其微。)
  • 21、She wasshut away and forbidden to read.(她被关起来不许读书。)
  • 22、I do my best; and have done it, and will do it, was the answer: he shut up the chaise door, and the vehicle drove away.(“尽我的力量。我已经这么做了,将来也会这么做的,”他答道,关上了驿车的门,车子开走了。)
  • 23、They wereshut away in a little room where nobody could overhear.(他们躲在一个小屋子里,没有人能偷听得到。)
  • 24、You crash forward, your muscles contracting like a fist, and you can't even see that people are running away from you because something has forced your eyes shut. And then it's over.(当你猛地向前一倾的时候,你全身的肌肉就会收缩得像一只拳头,看不到前面有人从你身边擦身而过。)

shut away基本释义

shut away

英 [ʃʌt əˈwei] 美 [ʃʌt əˈwe] 
把 ... 藏起来; 隔离