
更新时间:2024-06-09 23:46:12



  • 1、Every last word, by thunder! 'answered John.' Refuse that, and you've seen the last of me butmusket - balls. '.(“句句是实,我赌咒!”约翰答道。“要是你拒绝的话,你就等着吃枪子儿吧,休想再见到我。”)
  • 2、Admiral Nelson's encounter as a plucky 14-year-old midshipman fighting only with the butt of hismusket is surely a myth, but others are true.(纳尔逊海军上将时为一名勇敢的14岁的少尉候补官,他仅用滑膛枪托与遭遇的北极熊搏斗的故事可以肯定是个神话,不过其他的故事倒是真的。)
  • 3、musket shots could be heard below at the spot where the lines were closest.(在山下,在军使走过的地方,可以听见砰砰的枪声。)
  • 4、This principle was famously demonstrated by Galileo Galilei some 400 years ago when he simultaneously dropped cannon andmusket balls, and balls made of gold, silver and wood, from the Tower of Pisa.(这一法则是在大约400年前,由伽利略•伽利雷那个著名的比萨斜塔实验所证明的,当时他在塔顶同时释放球型炮弹和毛瑟枪子弹,以及由金、银、木头制成的小球。)
  • 5、Not to the soldier who for the munificent compensation of $16 per month shoulders hismusket and goes into the trench, there to shed his blood and to die if necessary;(不是给士兵带来好运,他为每个月十六美元的慷慨补偿扛着步枪进入战壕,献出鲜血甚至生命;)
  • 6、He's on more solid footing though when he reports that two kinds of mountings were tried to affix a bayonet to amusket; ring mounting and a socket bayonet.(不过,在描述刺刀固定方式的时候,他就有理有据多了——以前,人们曾经尝试用两种方式将刺刀固定到火枪上:附环固定以及插座式刺刀。)
  • 7、I hunted with amusket two years ago.(两年前我用滑膛枪打猎。)
  • 8、A youth who can't hit a cathedral at thirty yards with a Gatling gun in three quarters of an hour, can take up an old emptymusket and bag his grandmother every time, at a hundred.(三刻钟内用加特林机枪在三十码处不能击中一个教堂的年轻人,却可以站在百码开外,举起一把空膛的旧火枪,趟趟把祖母当靶子击倒。)
  • 9、That became musca in Latin, then the diminutive muschetta and ultimately—by now a weapon, not a projectile—musket.(这个词(mice)在拉丁语中写作“musca(苍蝇)”,加上后缀又变成“muschetta”,最后演变成“musket”——滑膛枪,一种兵器而不是弹射装置。)



英 [ˈmʌskɪt] 美 [ˈmʌskɪt] 
