
for my part造句

for my part造句

更新时间:2024-06-09 23:56:42


for my part造句

  • 1、for my part, I'm just happy that the Crimson has called me"Harvard's most uccessful dropout."(哈佛的校报称我是"哈佛大学历史上最成功的辍学生"。)
  • 2、for my part, I thank the Lord for the beautiful barrenness that has consecrated this great region to loneliness.(对我来说,我感谢上帝赐予这篇贫瘠之地以孤独之美。)
  • 3、for my part, I deplored his passivity on Syria.(在这方面,我强烈反对他在叙利亚问题上的被动。)
  • 4、for my part I apologise for any offence caused by my actions at the end of the game.(对我来说,我对昨晚比赛后由于我的言行引起的冒犯表示道歉。)
  • 5、for my part, I have never presumed my mind to be more perfect than average in any way.(对于我的才华,我从未认为我的智力在任何情况下比一般更加完美。)
  • 6、for my part, my curiosity and interest were at least equal to the child's.(至于我自己呢,我的好奇心和兴趣至少和这孩子的相等。)
  • 7、for my part, I feel elated and close to tears.(就我而言,我感觉兴高采烈,都快哭出来了。)
  • 8、She considers keeping silence to be cowardice, which is not correctfor my part.(她把保持沉默看作怯懦,但这是不对的。)
  • 9、for my part, I don't care who will win.(至于我,谁赢我都不在乎。)
  • 10、for my part, I don't know how I'd live without it.(就我而言,我不知道没有它我会如何生存。)
  • 11、for my part, I've worked here at the Journal for about nine years, albeit in three different positions.(对我来说,我已经在《华尔街日报》工做了九年右右,不过是在三个不同的岗位。)
  • 12、for my part, what really matters is the relationship instead of the money.(在我看来,真正重要的是人与人之间的那份感情而不是金钱。)
  • 13、I,for my part, totally agree with you.(至于我,我完全同意你的看法。)
  • 14、Are we not? That is wrong.for my part, I wish you no ill and all good.(难道我们不是吗?这话可错了。就我来说,我并没希望你倒霉,而是愿你一切都好。)
  • 15、I went off to the stack and found some really good materialfor my part, but when I got back to our table, they were just goofing off and talking.(于是我动身走去那堆书那里,并找到了很多对我这部分来说很有用的材料。但是当我回到我们的桌子旁时,他们只是在那儿聊天、消磨时间。) haO86.com
  • 16、I,for my part, know very well how I can bring about this movement and this exclamation.(就我而言,我很清楚我怎样才能引起这一运动和这一呼喊。)
  • 17、for my part, I don't see any better use to which one can put money.(至于我,我看不出除此之外还有什么更好的可以花钱的地方。)
  • 18、for my part I found the meeting most fruitful.(对我而言,我认为这次会议很有收获。)
  • 19、for my part, I will stay at home.(就我来说,更愿意待在家里。)
  • 20、I knowfor my part that I'd surrender everything, honor included, in order to get out of the mess.(就我自己而论,我明白我会放弃一切,包括荣誉,只要能从这个烂摊子上逃脱出来。)
  • 21、for my part, I shall not return.(我是不会回来的了。)
  • 22、for my part, I have no idea whether Gilbert is a great conductor or even a good one.(就我而言,我不知道吉尔伯特是否一位伟大的指挥家,甚至是否一位优秀的指挥家。)
  • 23、In any case,for my part I admit that I cannot find my way in it.(无论如何,就我而言,我承认我无法在里面找到我的途径。)

for my part基本释义

for my part

英 [fɔ: mai pɑ:t] 美 [fɔr maɪ pɑrt] 

