
give thought to造句

give thought to造句

更新时间:2024-06-16 23:46:18


give thought to造句

  • 1、In addition to the obvious direct competitors, give some thought to the other questions investors will ask.(除了显而易见的直接竞争对手,思考一下投资者可能问的其他问题。)
  • 2、Give a thought to some of your life's magic moments and take a bit of time to be grateful for them.(稍微留意一下你身边的某些时刻吧,稍微花点时间来对它们心有感恩。)
  • 3、They have to give so much thought and attention to the low-level mechanics of dribbling or fingering the keys or reading the music, that they are unable to give any thought to the thing that matters.(他们对顿音演奏、指法或读谱给予过多的思考和关注,以致于他们无法对重要的事物进行任何思考。)
  • 4、Did I model my love for my wife after her, refusing to give more than what I thought I could give to the image in my brain?(我是不是以她为模来爱妻,拒绝对妻付出超过我认为可以给脑中的形象更多的爱?)
  • 5、As we enter a New Year give a thought to some habits you would like to form.(在我们即将踏入新一年的时候,请想想你想要养成哪些好习惯吧。)
  • 6、First, you should give some thought to what image format you are going to use long term, before you end up with many images in a format that you later regret.(首先,您应该考虑一下打算长期使用什么图像格式,免得最终有了一大堆某种格式的图像之后再来后悔就晚了。)
  • 7、Most of us in the well-fed world give little thought to where our food comes from or how it's grown.(在这个食物丰足的世界里,我们大多数人很少去思考我们的食物从哪儿来,又是如何种植的。)
  • 8、Keep in mind that the lighting requirements in a kitchen are very different from those in a bedroom, and give some thought to the needs of a gloomy corner, dark wall or windowless space.(要时刻记得,卧室里打的灯光和厨房所需的灯光效果是完全不同的,还有那些阴暗角落处、深色墙壁旁和没窗户的地方,好好考虑一下。)
  • 9、Spend some time and give thought as to where you'd like to be 1 year from now, 5 years from now and even 10 years from now.(花时间考虑一下从现在开始后的一年时间里你想去哪里,5年以后想去哪里,甚至是10年以后你想去哪里。)
  • 10、Every family situation is different, but it is important that each family give adequate thought to planning its financial future.(每个家庭的情况各不相同,但重要的是每个家庭都要对未来的财务计划给予充分的考虑。)
  • 11、give thought to how much you have if you have a roof over your head, food to eat and are healthy.(如果你有地方住,有东西吃,健康的话,那么想一想自己的是如此之多。)
  • 12、When her Ayah was dead there was no one to give a thought to the little thing.(她的奶妈死后,就没人想到这个小东西了。)
  • 13、If you are considering offering goods, therefore, it would be very helpful if you cangive thought to this challenge.(因此,如果您正在考虑提供物品,考虑这方面的挑战将是非常有益的。)
  • 14、These are the cells thought to give rise to tumors.(据说这些细胞是导致肿瘤的生长的细胞。)
  • 15、Have everything in writing (typed) and give your boss time to give your plan some thought.(将每件事情都记下来,给充足的时间让你的上司阅读你的计划。)
  • 16、Fewgive thought to the suffering that sin has caused our Creator.(少有人思考罪恶给创造主所带来的痛苦。)
  • 17、The wisdom of the prudent is togive thought to their ways, but the folly of fools is deception.(通达人的智慧,在乎明白自己道;愚昧人的愚妄,乃是诡诈。)
  • 18、I thought you might give it to me tomorrow.(我以为你要明天才给我。)
  • 19、We should alsogive thought to content if the conferences are to be successful and not just a for everyone.(我们应该考虑会议的内容,如果会议要取得成功且不是考虑到每一个人。)
  • 20、You must give careful thought to which client should be used for which function.(您必须考虑清楚哪一种客户端应该被用于哪一种功能。)
  • 21、A: I hope you'll give a second thought to it.(希望你再考虑考虑。)
  • 22、It's the key argument against Hobbes, that matter cannot give rise to thought.(这是反对霍布斯的主要观点,即物质不能产生思想。)
  • 23、Often, they don't know it, mainly because they never really give a thought to security when developing their applications.(通常,他们不知道这一点,主要是因为他们在开发他们的应用程序时从未真正考虑到安全性。)
  • 24、In any case, give some thought to the size of this project and how much (or how little) estimation you can do.(无论如何,思考一下这个项目的大小,看看你能预估多少东西。)
  • 25、If your friends refuse to change, you may want to give some thought to who you hang out with, if you have different values.(如果你的朋友拒绝改变,而你们确实观念不同,你得对你的这位朋友有些想法了。)
  • 26、But Samwise Gamgee, my dear hobbit -indeed, Sam my dearest hobbit, friend of friends-I do not think we needgive thought to what comes after that.(不过,亲爱的山姆,我最亲爱的霍比特人,我最好的朋友-我认为我们用不着想在那之后会发生什么事情。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 27、If you are developing an application to run on a local Web server,give thought to the question of what happens when someone else accesses it over the network.(如果要开发在本地Web服务器上运行的应用程序,那么要考虑当别人通过网络访问它时会发生什么。)

give thought to基本释义
