
  • 1、Most people have an escape fantasy - a life they dream about andaspire to.(多数人都有个关于逃离的幻想——去过一种他们梦想并期望过的生活。)
  • 2、At least Iaspire to that.(至少这是我所追求的境界。)
  • 3、And if you don'taspire to anything, how can you be frustrated?(倘若你无求无欲,怎么能会有挫折感呢?)
  • 4、There are many waitresses thataspire to be actresses。(有许多的女服务生向往成为女演员。)
  • 5、For us, it's something that we mayaspire to but can never attain.(对我们来说,那是可望而不可即的。)
  • 6、The perfect beings weaspire to be?(他们不是我们渴望成为的完美人类?)
  • 7、A survey of Britain's youth found that manyaspire to become writers.(一个问卷调查结果显示许多英国年轻人渴望成为作家。)
  • 8、Weaspire to be one of the most interesting capitals of Europe or Asia.(我们要成为欧洲和亚洲最有魅力的都市之一。)
  • 9、Personally, Iaspire to Beginner's Mind, and I set goals.(对于我个人而言,我一方面追求童心,一方面建立目标。)
  • 10、Menaspire to be able to show off their six packs or their V-shape backs and there's a growing market of slimming pills aimed at men too.(男性渴望展示自己的六块腹肌或V型后背,针对男性的减肥药市场也在不断增长。)
  • 11、Nor do theyaspire to such command themselves.(他们自己也不渴望这样的命令。)
  • 12、Do theyaspire to the kind of value system and culture we have here?(他们是否向往我们这里的价值体系和文化?)
  • 13、Make a vision board, a collage with images that youaspire toward.(做一个愿景板,贴上你追求向往的画面。)
  • 14、aspire to a higher, a nobler, a fuller life.(渴望一个更高、更贵、更丰更富的生命。)
  • 15、Similarly, there are elaborate trouser presses thataspire to be robots.(类似的,渴望把自己也划归到机器人一类的还有精巧的熨裤器。)
  • 16、This is a pipe dream at best--but one that we should at leastaspire to.(这充其量就是一个白日梦,不过我们至少应该对此怀有渴望。)
  • 17、It's not something little girlsaspire to.(这可不是什么让小女孩们向往的事。)
  • 18、Many writersaspire toward this.(多数作家致力于达到这个境界。)
  • 19、Humansaspire to an ideal world, utopia.(人类渴望乌托邦式的理想世界。)
  • 20、Most of us do notaspire to robber barony.(我们大多数人并不渴望强盗男爵。)
  • 21、We cannotaspire to happiness, only to less unhappiness.(我们无法渴望得到快乐,而只能期望更少的痛苦。)
  • 22、Mary is ambitious enough toaspire to conversational fluency in Chinese in four months.(玛丽雄心很大,竟立志在四个月里学会用汉语流利地会话。)
  • 23、However, even as they were celebrated as the models to which art literature shouldaspire, Homer's masterworks had also long been the source of scholarly unease.(然而,尽管它们被誉为艺术文学应该追求的典范,但荷马的杰作也一直是学术届不稳定的根源。)
  • 24、Her home is definitely something Iaspire to have one day.(这样的家绝对是我希望将来能拥有的。)
  • 25、The authors aren't saying that every woman shouldaspire to marry a rich guy.(两位作者的意思并不是说,每个女性都应该立志嫁给有钱人。)
  • 26、"We do notaspire to unanimity, which is usually fictitious," he said.(“我们不指望全体一致,那通常是虚假的。”他说道。)
  • 27、This interpretation implied that the West provided a congenial environment where women couldaspire to their own goals, free from constrictive stereotypes and sexist.(这种解释意味着西方提供了一个适宜的环境,在那里妇女可以追求自己的目标,摆脱束缚的刻板印象和性别歧视。)
  • 28、He's proven that movies canaspire to be so much more.(他证明了电影可以追求更多。)



英 [əˈspaɪə(r)] 美 [əˈspaɪr] 
副词: aspiringly 名词: aspirer 过去式: aspired 过去分词: aspired 现在分词: aspiring 第三人称单数: aspires
