
  • 1、Nonetheless,colossal challenges remain to help this population.(虽说如此,我们在帮助这个群体方面确实面对巨大的挑战。)
  • 2、I still didn't believe Arafat would make such acolossal mistake.(我仍然不相信阿拉法特会犯这样的一个大错。)
  • 3、Today, I was dealt acolossal life lesson.(今天,我上了人生中重要的一课。)
  • 4、Thecolossal monument bestrode the harbour.(巨大的纪念碑高耸于海港上。)
  • 5、Along with its Kia subsidiary, it took acolossal 73% of the local car market last year.(连同其子公司起亚汽车,该集团去年占据了国内汽车市场73%的庞大份额。)
  • 6、His father, Joe, had built acolossal fortune, and wanted to turn his money into power.(他的父亲乔在赚了很多的钱后,想要把他的财富变成权力。)
  • 7、Acolossal explosion occurs, sending newly forged, heavier elements into space.(一个巨大的爆炸重现,并且以新的方式锻造,比较重的元素在宇宙中产生了。)
  • 8、The singer earns acolossal amount of money.(那歌手现在可赚大钱了。)
  • 9、It was acolossal crocodilian.(它是一种巨大的鳄鱼。)
  • 10、Would we meet any in thiscolossal ocean?(我们会在浩瀚的大海上遇见什么人吗?)
  • 11、Its close relative, thecolossal Squid, may grow too much greater sizes, as evidenced by the size of sucker marks on sperm whales.(它的近亲,大王乌贼可能长得更大,抹香鲸身上的吮吸痕迹就是证据。)
  • 12、If that wasn't the objective, then Cuba had made acolossal error.(如果那不是他的目的,那么古巴就犯了一个极大的错误。)
  • 13、You stand tall like acolossal Greek statue.(在冻人的寒风中,你们挺拔地站立着,好比雄伟的希腊雕像。)
  • 14、INSKEEP: That's acolossal change.(那真是巨大的改变。)
  • 15、colossal squid are the world's largest invertebrates, or animals without backbones.(大王乌贼是世界上最大的无脊椎动物。)
  • 16、We've erected skyscrapers for the living andcolossal tombs for the dead.(我们为活着的人耸立起了一座座摩天大楼,也为死去的人修建出了恢弘庞大的坟墓。) (好工具
  • 17、Allopatric speciation can also be brought by the imperceptibly slow butcolossal movements of the tectonic plates that make up Earth's surface.(构成地球表面的那些构造板块极其缓慢但剧烈的运动,也可能导致异地物种形成。)
  • 18、The latest controversy surrounds Ethiopia’scolossal Gibe III dam.(最近的争议围绕着埃塞俄比亚的巨型大坝——GibeIII大坝。)
  • 19、This volume,colossal in scope yet minutely detailed, laid the foundations of modern biology.(这部书研究视野宏大而详尽,成为现代生物学的奠基之作。)
  • 20、We have involved ourselves in acolossal muddle, having been in the control of a delicate machine, the working of which we do not understand.(我们被卷入了一场巨大的混乱之中,被一台我们不了解其工作原理的精密机器所控制。)
  • 21、Massive objects like the sun can bend light, butcolossal clouds of dark matter create "bubbles" in the cosmos.(巨大的星体,例如太阳能够使光弯曲,但是庞大的暗物质云会在宇宙中产生“气泡”。)
  • 22、There has been acolossal waste of public money.(一直有巨大的公款浪费。)
  • 23、The two have racked upcolossal losses.(这二者已经累计了惊人的亏损。)
  • 24、The worst of the bombardment—including thecolossal impact that knocked loose the chunk that became our moon—was over.(最糟糕的轰炸——包括将大块物质撞击得脱离地球形成月球巨大碰撞——已经结束了。)
  • 25、And how did they manage to transfer abroad suchcolossal sums?(而他们又是如何得以向海外转移了如此巨大的金额?)
  • 26、Lingering would be acolossal waste of love and money.(弥留人间会是一种爱和金钱的巨大浪费。)
  • 27、This massive overbuild is being fuelled by thecolossal scale of industrialisation.(大规模的工业化正在造成这种过度累积。)
  • 28、But the damage it has caused has beencolossal.(但它造成的损害是巨大的。)



英 [kəˈlɒsl] 美 [kəˈlɑ:sl] 
副词: colossally

adj. 巨大的; 异常的