
  • 1、Donnelly called for a "quasi-permanent Americangarrison in Iraq" to protect these interests.(他呼吁用类似永久性的驻军驻扎在伊拉克,以保护美在伊的利益。)
  • 2、Mirnaya was once a thrivinggarrison town with a movie theater, a kindergarten and a park.(Mirnaya曾经是个繁荣的有守卫的城镇,城里有电影剧院,幼儿园和一个公园。)
  • 3、I certainly don't blame Generalgarrison, a fine soldier whose career was unfairly damaged.(我当然不会指责加里森将军,他是一个优秀的军人,但他的军人生涯已经遭受了不公正的损害。)
  • 4、In this sedategarrison town ringed by jagged peaks, the gentle thrum of the day is usually reduced to a whisper by night.(在这个群峰环绕、安详的卫戍小镇上,白天温柔的声响总是变成夜间温柔的窃窃私语。)
  • 5、The approaches to thegarrison have been heavily mined.(通往卫戍区的路上布满了地雷。)
  • 6、garrison suffered minor injuries.(加里森本人受了轻伤。)
  • 7、garrison had been treasuring his last piece.(加里森一直在珍藏着他的最后一块宝物。)
  • 8、I respectedgarrison and agreed with his letter, except for the last point.(我很尊重加里森,并且赞同他写的信上的内容,但最后一点除外。)
  • 9、garrison reached into the bag and found a sketchbook.(加里森把手伸进包里,找到了一本速写本。)
  • 10、garrison nodded, hoping Pa wouldn't say that he was too old to be fooling around with pencils and paper.(加里森点了点头,希望爸爸不会说他年纪太大了,不能再摆弄铅笔和纸了。)
  • 11、garrison considered this, then replied, "No, sir."(加里森考虑了一下,然后回答:“不了,长官。”)
  • 12、garrison each Bunker with Marines and at least one Firebat then post a couple of SCVs in Auto-Repair mode nearby.(每个碉堡和海军驻守和至少一个喷火兵然后贴几名scvAuto-Repair模式在附近。)
  • 13、She began to make coarse shirts for soldiers of thegarrison, and earned twelve sous a day.(她去替兵营里的士兵们缝粗布衬衫,每天可以赚十二个苏。)
  • 14、And David was then in the hold, and the Philistines'garrison was then at Bethlehem.(那时大卫在山寨,非利士人的防营在伯利恒。)
  • 15、Since 1962, Frankenberg has been agarrison town.(自1962年以来,弗兰肯贝里一直是有驻军的城镇。)
  • 16、Two regiments were sent togarrison the town.(派了两个团驻守在那个城镇。)
  • 17、Western forces are never going togarrison the whole province, let alone Afghanistan.(西方驻军永远不可能布满全省,更不用说整个阿富汗。)
  • 18、garrison closed his letter by saying, The Mission was a success.(加里森在信的结尾这样写道,“行动是成功的。”)
  • 19、This task order is new work for NCI, and the primary manned facilities are located in Yongsan Armygarrison, Seoul, Korea.(这对NCI公司来说是一项崭新的工作,工作主要进行的地点是位于韩国首尔的龙山(Yongsan)陆军驻地。)
  • 20、"We don't know what premium the Obama factor will have," said Mattgarrison of Coldwell Banker.(科威房产中介公司的马特·加里森说:“我们不知道‘奥巴马’这张牌能为房子加价多少。”)
  • 21、Your voice is important,garrison, whether it's out loud or on paper.(你的意见很重要,加里森,不管是大声说出来还是写在纸上。)
  • 22、In Damascus the governor under Aretas the king kept the city of the Damascenes with agarrison, desirous to apprehend me.(在大马士革亚哩达王手下的提督,把守大马士革城要捉拿我。)
  • 23、Mr Coke's home patch is Tivoli Gardens, a tough inner-citygarrison close to the waterfront.(科克先生的地头是提沃利庄园,一个靠近滨水码头的城市中心要塞。)
  • 24、Language expert Webbgarrison tells an interesting story about the expression.(语言专家Webbgarrison讲述了一个有关表达的有趣故事。)
  • 25、Soon they seemed almost like members of thegarrison.(很快,他们看起来就像是要塞的一员了。)



英 [ˈgærɪsn] 美 [ˈɡærɪsən] 
过去式: garrisoned 过去分词: garrisoned 现在分词: garrisoning 第三人称单数: garrisons

