
  • 1、In cases where they cannot be protected, the society is responsible forimposing punishment.(在他们不能得到保护的情况下,社会负责实施惩罚。)
  • 2、Animposing pine grove formed a windbreak along the edge of the garden.(宏伟的松树林沿着花园组成了一面防风墙。)
  • 3、He was animposing man.(他是个仪表堂堂的男子汉。)
  • 4、But the EU stopped short ofimposing sanctions on Russia.(但是欧盟并未对俄罗斯诉诸于强制制裁。)
  • 5、imposing tight quotas would raise prices.(紧缩配额能够刺激价格上涨。)
  • 6、It also built animposing stock exchange, though there is no bourse.(它还建设了壮观的证券交易所,虽然那儿没有股票交易所。)
  • 7、A physicallyimposing 79-year-old, he seemed slightly uncomfortable at a press conference at the Metropolitan Museum, where a travelling retrospective of his work has just opened for its final stop.(现年79岁的他身材魁梧,在大都会博物馆的新闻发布会上显得有些不自在。他的巡回回顾展的最后一站刚刚在大都会博物馆开幕。)
  • 8、It is a relaxing place, at once accessible andimposing.(这是一个让人放松的地方,立刻可以接近,令人难以忘怀。)
  • 9、According to a widely held economic hypothesis,imposing strict environmental regulations reduces economic growth.(根据一个被广泛接受的经济学假设,强加严格的环境管制会降低经济增长。)
  • 10、Her figure looked singularly tall andimposing as she stood in her long white nightgown.(她穿着白色的长睡衣站在那里,个子显得特别高大威严。)
  • 11、The government acted unlawfully inimposing the restrictions.(政府不合法地采取行动强加制约。)
  • 12、They made animposing adventure of it, saying, "Hist!"(他们大胆地说:"嘘!”)
  • 13、This sounded soimposing that Ben Weatherstaff became quite excited and really could not keep still.(这听起来是那么有气势,以至于本·威瑟斯塔夫变得十分激动,简直按捺不住了。)
  • 14、imposing speed restrictions is easy, but forcing drivers to observe them is trickier.(实行速度限制容易,而迫使司机遵守较难。)
  • 15、He had no natural authority and no capacity forimposing his will on others.(他天生没有威信,也没有将其意志强加于他人的能力。)
  • 16、In my own clinical work, I have tried to avoidimposing labels on my clients.(在我自己的临床工作中,我设法避免给我的客户强加标签。)
  • 17、Parents should beware ofimposing their own tastes on their children.(父母应该提防把自己的兴趣强加给孩子。)
  • 18、imposing pressure or sanctions is not conducive to solving the issue.(施压或制裁不利于问题的解决。)
  • 19、Professions beganimposing local standards.(职业开始实行本地标准。)
  • 20、Carême's cooking displays became the symbol of fine French dining; they were plentiful, beautiful andimposing.(卡瑞姆的厨艺展示成为了法国美食的象征;这些美食丰盛、精美并且令人难忘。)
  • 21、I was afraid you'd feel we wereimposing on you.(我担心你会觉得我们在不合理地要求你。)
  • 22、What aboutimposing capital controls to head off possible bank runs?(怎样看待采取资本控制措施以避免发生可能的银行挤兑?)
  • 23、He has lost hisimposing appearance.(他已失去堂堂仪表。)
  • 24、It is famous for its high altitude andimposing scenery.(纳木错以其高海拔和令人窒息的美景而声名远扬。)
  • 25、As she contemplated the wide windows andimposing signs, she became conscious of being gazed upon and understood for what she was a wage-seeker.(当她凝视着宽大的窗户和气势恢宏的招牌时,她意识到有人在注视着她,并明白她是一个讨薪的人。)
  • 26、Is it possible that we could beimposing our own values on that analysis?(我们有可能将自己的价值观强加于这种分析吗?)
  • 27、Forimposing taxes on us without our consent;(未经我们同意便向我们强行征税;)
  • 28、He reminded them of theimposing secret, and raised a ray of cheer.(他向他们提起这个秘密,引起了一阵欢呼。)



英 [ɪmˈpəʊzɪŋ] 美 [ɪmˈpoʊzɪŋ] 
副词: imposingly
