


  • 1、This also applies to allsubordinate team areas and their customizations.(它还适用于所有子级的团队区域以及它们所做的编辑。)
  • 2、It has two brains. Each head, principal andsubordinate, thinks and feeds separately.(它居然有两个脑袋,每一条蛇都能够单独思考和进食。)
  • 3、Both parties did indeed call the affair between boss andsubordinate consensual.(两方实际上都声称发生在老板和下属之前的事情都是双方自愿的。)
  • 4、The minority issubordinate to the majority.(少数服从多数。)
  • 5、You can teach your dog itssubordinate role by teaching it to show submission to you.(你可以通过教狗对你表现顺从,以便教会它从属的角色。)
  • 6、She doesn’t even pretend to besubordinate to her husband.(她甚至并不有意摆出对丈夫百依百顺的样子。)
  • 7、He contented himself with asubordinate job.(他满足于做下属工作。)
  • 8、Some people are toosubordinate to others' opinions, too focused on decision consensus, too silent about their own point of view, too agreeable to take things on when they don't have time or energy.(有些人太屈从于别人的意见,太专注于决策共识,对自己的观点太沉默,太容易在没有时间和精力的时候接受事情。)
  • 9、When, and only when, these behaviors occur, does an authority relationship exist between the superior andsubordinate.(当且仅当这些行为发生时,在上级和下级之间才存在一种权威关系。)
  • 10、In that sense, my bosses might have thought I was a rather difficultsubordinate.(在这个问题上,我的上司们也许认为我是个非常难对付的下属。)
  • 11、We Romanssubordinate ourselves to Rome, and only to Rome.(我们罗马人是自己服从于罗马,并且只服从于罗马。)
  • 12、He always liked tosubordinate others' effect.(他总爱贬低他人的作用。)
  • 13、For Braverman, the shape of a technological system issubordinate to the manager's desire to wrest control of the labor process from the workers.(对布雷弗曼来说,技术系统的形态服从于经理从工人手中夺取对劳动过程控制权的愿望。)
  • 14、All the other issues weresubordinate to this one.(相对这个问题,其他问题都是次要的。)
  • 15、Patriarchal culture and institutions constructed them as chaste, silent, obedient, andsubordinate.(父权文化和制度把她们塑造成贞洁、沉默、顺从和服从的人。)
  • 16、Sixty of hissubordinate officers followed his example.(他的60个下级官员都以他为榜样。)
  • 17、He was both willing and able tosubordinate all else to this aim.(他既愿意也能够让别的一切从属于这个目标。)
  • 18、Neither issubordinate to the other.(彼此不相统属。)
  • 19、In the sentence 'They often go to Italy because they love the food', 'They often go to Italy' is the main clause and 'because they love the food' is asubordinate clause.(在TheyoftengotoItalybecausetheylovethefood这个句子里,TheyoftengotoItaly是主句,becausetheylovethefood是从句。)
  • 20、As opposed to asubordinate, later life-cycle activity.(与认为它是次要的,生命周期晚期的活动的观点不同。)
  • 21、Authority involves behaviors on the part of both superior andsubordinate.(权威包含了上级和下级两方面的行为。)
  • 22、In the army, lieutenants aresubordinate to captains.(在陆军中,中尉是上尉的下级。) haO86.com
  • 23、It was an art in which words weresubordinate to images.(它是一种语言比图像次要的艺术。)
  • 24、Double-clicking a list entry opens itssubordinate objects.(双击一个列表条目将打开它的从属对象。)
  • 25、All other issues aresubordinate to this one.(所有其他问题都没有这一问题重要。)
  • 26、In many societies women aresubordinate to men.(在许多社会中,妇女都从属于男人。)
  • 27、The price variable, once perceived as the dominant aspect of the process, is nowsubordinate to the competition of the new product, the new business structure, and the new technology.(价格变量曾经被视为过程的主导因素,现在从属于新产品、新业务结构和新技术的竞争。)



英 [səˈbɔ:dɪnət] 美 [səˈbɔ:rdɪnət] 
形容词: subordinative 副词: subordinately 名词: subordinateness 过去式: subordinated 过去分词: subordinated 现在分词: subordinating 第三人称单数: subordinates



vt.使服从;把 ... 放在次要