
  • 1、"It's that oldrivalry thing," says Oliver, with a smile.(“还在老生常谈,”奥利弗笑着说。)
  • 2、This period was one of inter-eliterivalry, in which nobles sought to increase their influence by funding the construction of churches and other buildings.(这一时期是精英间的竞争,其中贵族们资助建造教堂和其他建筑来试图增加自己的影响力。)
  • 3、SIBLINGrivalry has many famous examples.(兄弟德比战有许多出名的例子。)
  • 4、It is an interdependentrivalry.(它是一种相互依赖的较量。)
  • 5、There is more to therivalry between rail and air than the experience in transit.(铁路和航空之间的竞争不仅仅是运输方面的经验。)
  • 6、Therivalry between access providers offers the best protection against the erection of new barriers to the flow of information online.(访问供应商之间的竞争提供了对抗线上信息流设置新障碍的最好保护。)
  • 7、The big problem, though, is India'srivalry with China.(印度和中国之间的对抗才是大问题。)
  • 8、Therivalry between the Inkatha and the ANC has resulted in violence in the black townships.(英卡塔自由党与非洲国民大会之间的斗争导致了黑人城镇之间的暴力冲突。)
  • 9、In the Kingdom of God there is no competition orrivalry.(在天主的国里,没有竞争和对抗。)
  • 10、Orrivalry as usual?(还是一场跟拄常一样的角逐?)
  • 11、The team also has a fierce traditionalrivalry with Japan.(这支队伍同样与日本队有悠久的对抗传统。)
  • 12、But this great basketballrivalry began long before then.(但两者之间激烈的篮球对抗其实很早就开始了。)
  • 13、So sectarianrivalry is once again to the fore.(因此,教派对抗又再次回到风口浪尖。)
  • 14、It was Allen who fired thisrivalry with real passion.(是艾伦满怀激情地激发了这次对抗。)
  • 15、They talk about detente, but in actuality they are engaged in intenserivalry.(他们嘴里讲缓和,骨子里却进行激烈的争夺。)
  • 16、There is a certain amount of friendlyrivalry between the teams.(两队间有某种程度上的友好较量。)
  • 17、In truth,rivalry between NATO and the EU has been an absurdity.(事实上,北约和欧盟之间的竞争是一种愚蠢的行为。)
  • 18、This critic generated I think some unduerivalry between ballet and modern dance, and it would take a long time, many years in fact, for therivalry to calm down.(我认为这个评论家造成了在芭蕾和现代舞之间的一些过度竞争,而且需要很长时间(实际上是很多年),才能平息这种竞争。)
  • 19、Moreover such flag waving is born ofrivalry between nations.(更近一步说,这面飘扬的旗帜是国家间竞争的产物。) hAo86.com
  • 20、Nor does therivalry between LCD and plasma panels end there.(液晶显示器与等离子板之间的竞争也没有结束。)
  • 21、Their distance may be temporary, but it shows that childhoodrivalry isn't always outgrown.(他们之间的距离可能是暂时的,但这表明,童年时代的竞争并不总是会消失。)
  • 22、However, even on the mainland there isrivalry.(然而,即使在内地城市间,也存在竞争。)
  • 23、Therivalry would cease; the future was beginning again.(竞争已经停止,前途又有了希望。)
  • 24、Historically, there has always been a great deal ofrivalry between the two families.(这两个家族世世代代对立斗争。)
  • 25、In their view, therivalry risk is already here.(在他们看来,敌对风险已经产生。)
  • 26、Despite their bitter screenrivalry, off-stage they are close friends.(虽然在银幕上他们是誓不两立的对手,在现实生活中他们却是密友。)
  • 27、It is noticeable that women do not have therivalry that men have.(显而易见的是女性没有像男性那样的争强好胜。)



英 [ˈraɪvlri] 美 [ˈraɪvəlri] 
名词复数: rivalries
