


  • 1、And, therefore, I can usefalsehood to save my.(因此,我也可以用谎言来解救自己。)
  • 2、They suffer from inheritedfalsehood just like everyone else.(他们和其他人一样,忍受着一代代继承下来的谎言。)
  • 3、You ought to feel ashamed of yourself for having descended to suchfalsehood.(你竟然堕落到这样说谎的地步,自己应该感到害臊。)
  • 4、And speaking morally, something like cowardice andfalsehood?(从道德上来说,是类似于怯懦和虚伪的东西?)
  • 5、Article 4 Advertisements shall not resort to anyfalsehood to a deception or misleading to the consumers.(第四条广告不得含有虚假的内容,不得欺骗和误导消费者。)
  • 6、Drive must be, must not speakfalsehood.(干劲一定要有,假话一定不可讲。)
  • 7、falsehood is the jockey of misfortune.(谎言是灾祸的骑师。)
  • 8、You may tell afalsehood just as I did.(你可以因为我刚才所做的说我是个说谎的人。) hao86.com
  • 9、It is also the most effective producer of rubbish and insult andfalsehood we have yet invented.(然而,在人类迄今所有的发明中,它们也是制造垃圾、侮辱和谎言最有效的工具。)
  • 10、Did you hurt her feelings or did you spare her and still avoid afalsehood?(你是直言伤害她呢,还是敷衍她同时害怕谎言被识破。)
  • 11、The action of malicious or injuriousfalsehood has similarities to an action for libel.(恶意或有害的谎言的行为与诽谤的行为有相似之处。)
  • 12、As opposed to airing afalsehood, indirect lying is withholding or concealing important facts.(与散布谎言行为中的捏造相反,间接说谎行为会隐瞒和剔除事实的重要真相。)
  • 13、When people uttered afalsehood, the scientists noticed a burst of activity in their amygdala.(当人们说假话时,科学家们注意到他们的杏仁核会突然活跃起来。)
  • 14、I hate and abhorfalsehood but I love your law.(谎话是我所恨恶所憎嫌的。惟你的律法,是我所爱的。)
  • 15、Indeed, for an intelligence officer, Flynn seems to have trouble distinguishing truth fromfalsehood.(事实上,作为一个情报官员,弗林似乎在区分真相和假象方面有些困难。)
  • 16、Not only that, but when people faced no consequences for dishonesty, theirfalsehood tended to get even more sensational.(不仅如此,当人们的不诚实不会造成后果,他们的谎言往往就会变得更加耸人听闻。)
  • 17、All that one gains byfalsehood is not be believed when he speaks the truth.(一个人说谎得到的全部收获,就是当他说真话时人们也不会相信。)
  • 18、I think I seefalsehood and cruelty here.(我认为我在这儿发现了欺骗和残忍。)
  • 19、I suspect somefalsehood in what he says.(我怀疑他的话中有些虚假。)
  • 20、But, now, it is allfalsehood! - all emptiness! - all death!(——全是空虚!——全是死亡!)
  • 21、On a screen it is often easier to correct afalsehood than to tell one in the first place;(在屏幕上纠正某项错误通常要比发布第一首资料更简单;)
  • 22、When a lie against the truth, you get love; When the truth overfalsehood, you get marriage.(当谎言战胜真理时,你得到爱情;当真理战胜谎言时,你得到婚姻。)
  • 23、Eph 4:15 Regardless of "good" intentions, speakingfalsehood is never in love.(无论是不是出于“好”意,说假话从来就不是爱。)
  • 24、She called the verdict a victory of truth overfalsehood.(她称该裁定是一个真实对虚假的胜利。)
  • 25、The thing that initially excited me was: "Ah-ha! Afalsehood!"(最初使我兴奋的是:“啊哈,一个谎言!”)
  • 26、Are ye not children of transgression, a seed offalsehood?(你们岂不是悖逆的儿女,虚谎的种类呢。)
  • 27、The bull artist, on the other hand, CARES nothing for truth orfalsehood.(扯淡艺术家,另一方面,丝毫不关心真实或谎言。)



英 [ˈfɔ:lshʊd] 美 [ˈfɔlsˌhʊd] 
