


  • 1、Whatof Australia's repeated but unheeded warnings to Japan that if itdoesn't stop whaling we wouldinstigate international court action?(澳大利亚一再警告日本,如果不停止捕鲸,我们将向国际法院提起诉讼,而日本却不加理会。这种告诫有什么用?)
  • 2、Whether it wouldinstigate a minority of people to breach your intellectual property as revenge?(是否甚至反而会激发极少数人报复性地侵犯贵国的知识产权呢?) Hao86.com
  • 3、This post is meant to infuriate andinstigate Indians.(这篇文章的目的是为了激怒印度人。)
  • 4、Ross agreed that news reports are neither necessary nor sufficient to completelyinstigate a crime that otherwise would not have occurred.(罗斯同意,新闻报道,既无必要,也不足以完全煽动起一项否则就不会发生的犯罪。)
  • 5、Possibly is receives the media toinstigate only then such the extreme.(可能是受到媒体的挑拨才这么极端。)
  • 6、Much hype has been produced about the ability of new technology toinstigate new ways of thought and communication.(鼓吹新技术将带来思维与传播新方式的言论已经很多了。)
  • 7、Some even warned me they would 2)instigate a 3) boycott of my books if I came.(有一些人甚至警告我,说如果我来了,他们会对我的书发起抵制。)
  • 8、Hostile utilizing the network toinstigate, may influence the university to be steady.(敌对分子利用网络进行煽动,可能影响高校稳定。)
  • 9、His behavior patterns are "wait and see", solidify interior,instigate confrontation and lucrative compromise.(他的主要行为模式是“静观其变—凝聚内部—煽动对立—获利妥协”。)
  • 10、Tominstigate a quarrel between JIM and Joe.(汤姆鼓动吉姆和乔伊吵架。)
  • 11、"Commonly, though not always, we exhort to good actions, weinstigate to ill" (Samuel Johnson).(“通常,尽管并不总是,我们规劝人们做好事,又怂勇人们做坏事”(萨缪尔·约翰逊)。)
  • 12、No one way is better, there are just a variety of ways that children typicallyinstigate social play.(不能说哪一种方式更好,只是说这些都是孩子们通常用来鼓动伙伴进行一个交互行为的方式。)
  • 13、Residents, for their part, will be able toinstigate local referendums on any local issue.(居民将能够就当地任何重要议题进行地方公投。)
  • 14、Objective: Toinstigate both prescription and stability of galanthamine hydrobromide dispersion tablets.(目的:研究氢溴酸加兰他敏及其分散片的处方和制备工艺。)
  • 15、Over the next week or two, pay attention to the situations and comments that automaticallyinstigate an emotion.(接下来的一到两个星期里,注意你的周遭和那些可以拨动你心弦的议论。)
  • 16、It would not prove worthwhile toinstigate a nuclear attack.(挑起核攻击最终是不值得的。)
  • 17、Flickr was also the beneficiary of a great amount of mainstream PR, even if they did notinstigate it themselves.(Flickr也是搞好公共关系的受益者,即使他们自己本身并没有刻意为之。)
  • 18、Now type the following URL into a Web browser window toinstigate the setMessage operation on the HelloWorld service(现在,在Web浏览器窗口键入以下URL,以激活HelloWorld服务上的setMessage操作)
  • 19、They've formed sleeper cells, just waiting for the signal toinstigate a mass-recruitment at a moment's notice.(他们之前已经形成了睡眠者的细胞,只要等到信号,就会即刻进行大规模的招募。)
  • 20、While online interest is used toinstigate offline interaction, offline meetings can drive online appeal to an even greater audience.(线上能推动线下的交流,线下的聚会又能相辅相成地让线上宣传显得更有吸引力。)
  • 21、The congress set up a special department toinstigate the thing!(国会建立了一个专门委员会来调查这件事情。)
  • 22、A few days later, scar and lure simba into a valley, theninstigate hyenas JiaoMa pursuits.(几天以后,刀疤又引诱辛巴到了一个山谷,然后指使土狼们追击角马。)
  • 23、Together they should demand, andinstigate, a restructuring of Greek debt.(他们应当一起要求、鼓动希腊债务重组。)



英 [ˈɪnstɪgeɪt] 美 [ˈɪnstɪˌɡet] 
形容词: instigative 名词: instigation 过去式: instigated 过去分词: instigated 现在分词: instigating 第三人称单数: instigates
