
  • 1、You canrout the children out of my study; I won't have them throwing everything into disorder.(你可以把孩子们从书房里赶出去,我不允许他们把一切弄得乱七八糟。)
  • 2、Aided by NATO, the rebels should be able torout them or negotiate a surrender.(在北约的帮助下,反对派应该可以把他们击溃或者通过谈判迫使他们投降。)
  • 3、Many can claim to have seen therout coming.(许多人宣称早已经看到即将到来的失败。)
  • 4、My eyes have seen the defeat of my adversaries; my ears have heard therout of my wicked foes.(我眼睛看见仇敌遭报,我耳朵听见那些起来攻击我的恶人受罚。)
  • 5、The party was widely thought defunct after the Tigers'rout.(普遍认为TNA在猛虎组织溃败后便形同虚设。)
  • 6、The stockmarket has fallen alarmingly since last summer, and has been in openrout for much of 2008 (see chart).(从去年夏天以来,股市的跌幅令人忧虑。)
  • 7、It was there that they found Adoni-Bezek and fought against him, putting torout the Canaanites and Perizzites.(又在那里遇见亚多尼比色,与他争战,杀败迦南人和比利洗人。)
  • 8、The marketrout is rapidly wiping out vast amounts of wealth, casting a pall over households and businesses.(股市重挫正迅速将大量财富席卷一空,给家庭和企业蒙上阴影。) 【好工具】
  • 9、In a bid to reboot the economic recovery following a global stockrout, the Federal Reserve is sticking by its old toolbox.(全球股市大跌后,为重振经济复苏,美联储再次祭出了降息大旗。)
  • 10、Zhang started in goal instead of Han Wenxia, whose mistakes in China's last game against Brazil contributed to a 4-0rout.(张艳茹是替换韩文霞上场的。在上一场对阵巴西队的比赛中,由于韩文霞的失误,导致中国队以0:4惨败。)
  • 11、Is a dollarrout avoidable?(美元的崩溃是否能够避免?)
  • 12、As the week drew to a close, the enemyrout was complete.(一周快结束时,敌人彻底溃退了。)
  • 13、The enemy was put torout all along the line.(敌人已全线崩溃。)
  • 14、One after another the Italian bases in the desert fell as the retreat turned into arout.(当撤退转变为溃败时,意大利在那个沙漠中的基地接连失守。)
  • 15、Send forth lightning and scatter {the enemies}; shoot your arrows androut them.(求你发出闪电,使他们四散,射出你的箭,使他们扰乱。)
  • 16、About, about, in reel androut the death fires danced at night.(到了夜晚,死神的火焰在我们周围四处旋转飞舞。)
  • 17、What did yourout out in the library?(你在图书馆翻出了什么。)
  • 18、Farrout in the sea there was an island, on the rocky edge of which lived three Sirens.(遥远的海面上有一岛屿,石崖边居住着唱魔歌的海妖塞壬三姐妹。缂。)
  • 19、Sometimes the boys wouldrout out little ground squirrels and chase them into the bush.(这些男孩子有时候会轰赶出一些小松鼠,追逐它们,直至它们逃进树丛。)
  • 20、They mustrout all the enemy troops out of the city.(他们必须将敌军全部赶出市区。)
  • 21、A related goal is to minimize the risk of a dollarrout.(相关的目的应该是降低美元崩盘的风险。)
  • 22、The question is whether, or when, a further fall in sterling could turn into arout.(问题在于,英镑的进一步下跌是否(或何时)会演变为一场崩盘。)
  • 23、The show began with an Anglo-Frenchrout: Costume design went to the British team behind "Elizabeth: the Golden Age."(颁奖礼是由英法联军拉开序幕的:最佳服装设计给了《伊丽莎白:黄金时代》的英国团队。)
  • 24、In some countries with big deficits, the fear of a bond-marketrout is forcing rapid action.(对于某些赤字严重的国家,担心债券市场的崩溃迫使他们采取迅速的行动。)



英 [raʊt] 美 [raʊt] 
过去式: routed 过去分词: routed 现在分词: routing 第三人称单数: routs

n. 彻底溃败; 凑热闹的人; 大败

v. 使 ... 溃败; 使 ... 败逃