
  • 1、Who dareswhoop it up here?(什么人敢在这里作乐?) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 2、He gave awhoop of joy when he saw his new bicycle.(他看到自己的新自行车时,高兴得叫了起来。)
  • 3、The "dead McCarty.".. threw back his head once more [and gave] a dreadful raspingwhoop that sounded like the hounds of hell were barking.(死去的麦卡迪头再次往后仰,发出可怕刺耳的喊叫,犹如地狱中猎狗的犬吠声。)
  • 4、Come with awhoop, come with a call.(大叫着来,大喊着来。)
  • 5、What did they have towhoop about?(他们高声呐喊是为了什么呢?)
  • 6、There was none but as I headed down the stairs I heard awhoop of laughter and then, "You've won!"(我下楼时却听到身后一阵大笑,只听丈夫大声说:“你赢了!”)
  • 7、The hunterswhoop and CHEER as Jake joins the circle of.(当杰克加入舞者的圆圈中时,猎人们发出一阵欢呼。)
  • 8、On Complexity of the Nihilism inwhoop and Oscillation;(属于或关于虚无主义的。)
  • 9、Pump your fist in the air and go "whoopwhoop!"(帮浦你的拳头空中和去“兴奋的叫兴奋的叫!”)
  • 10、High temperature , cough , diarrhea. we can't visit her face to face. I heard her roughwhoop and aloud cough in other side phone, I feared very much.(不能近距离地探望她,电话那端她粗重的喘息和大声的咳嗽,让人感到十分的恐惧!)
  • 11、As long as people in other countries, said the word to Germany when chat will let out awhoop of laughter, slight our dignity doesn't exist!(只要其他国家的人,在聊天的时候说到德国这个字眼的时候会发出一声轻蔑的笑声,我们的尊严就不存在!)
  • 12、Have a look for potential obstacles, areas where you can stop for a breather (likewhoop-de-doos), or parts of the track that need to be built-up.(我们建议你大致看看哪里可能有潜在的障碍,哪里可以停下来透口气。)
  • 13、Everybody is planning towhoop it up this weekend.(大家都打算在这个周末好好欢闹一番。)
  • 14、"I will," I agreed. "in fact, here you can have my lucky dollar!" Tex let out awhoop, then started dancing around and waving his gift in the air.(“我会的,”我同意道,“这样,我这张幸运美元给你!”特克斯欢呼了一声,接着,他一边在空中挥舞着他的礼物,一边开始在四周跳起舞来。)
  • 15、Tex let out a 9)whoop , then started dancing around and waving his gift in the air.(特克斯欢呼了一声,接着,他一边在空中挥舞着他的礼物,一边开始在四周跳起舞来。)
  • 16、I couldn't stop myself from letting out awhoop of excitement, which made my horse go faster.(我无法抑止自己激昂的呐喊,这让我的马儿奔跑得更快。)
  • 17、Why did theywhoop?(为什么他们高声呐喊?)
  • 18、My little brother, Teddy, lets out a warwhoop when Mom's AM radio announces the closures.(我弟弟,泰迪,像上战场那样发出了一声呐喊,妈妈的短波收音机在播报学校关闭通知,“下雪天!”)
  • 19、We set up the war-whoop, and sharpened the tomahawk;(我们确定了战斗时的呐喊口号,磨利了我们的战斧和尖刀。)
  • 20、For while there is something exhilarating about Nicole Kidman'swhoop of joy, let no one forget the years of silent unhappiness which preceded it.(因为当我们为基德曼欣喜的呼号而感到欢欣鼓舞时,还是不要忘记离婚前那段寂静不幸的岁月吧。)
  • 21、Locally x got bound to 3, 3 I added 1 to it,whoop-dee-doo, 4 I get back a 4. But what's the value of x?(这是我想要的对吧?,在局部程序中x被赋值为,我给它加了1,我得到了?)
  • 22、He later gave awhoop of joy as he approached a microphone to address the crowd.(在对着麦克风要向观众讲话前,他发出了兴奋的叫喊。)
  • 23、That was somebody elseswhoop, or else I was turned around. I throwed the paddle down.(准是别的什么人的喊声吧,要不然,那就是我的划子转过头了。)
  • 24、The hyena'swhoop vocalization is a series of discrete calls produced in about of sound that can travel distances of more than two miles.(鬣狗“呜呜”叫声是由一轮发音而形成的一系列不连贯的呼唤,可以传播到两英里以外。)
  • 25、When the land was seen, the sailor let out awhoop of joy.(当看见陆地时,那水手发出一声欢呼。)
  • 26、But when le renard raised his voice in a long and intelligiblewhoop it was answered by a spontanous yell from the mouth of every indian within hearing of the sound.(可是当列那狐抬高声音,所有听到它那悠长易懂的呼叫的印第安人全本能地大声做出回应。)
  • 27、Back in the White House, I let out awhoop of joy, and relief.(回到白宫后,我发出了一声兴奋的欢呼,松了一口气。)



英 [wu:p] 美 [hup, hwup, wup] 
过去式: whooped 过去分词: whooped 现在分词: whooping 第三人称单数: whoops

