
  • 1、If relatives don't solve the problem, they can go to theclergy. Or they can solve their problem with the elders of the tribe.(如果找亲戚没用,那么她们可以去找神父,或者和家族里的长辈们商量解决问题的方法。)
  • 2、They were sons of the localclergy, of the officers at the Depot, and of such manufacturers or men of business as the old town possessed.(他们是当地神职人员的儿子,是车站官员的儿子,也是老城区的制造商或商人的儿子。)
  • 3、clergy: the least worldly are reported to be the happiest of all.(神职人员:最不世俗的工作据说是最幸福的工作。)
  • 4、clergy and laity alike are divided in their views.(神职人员和信众同样都观点各异。)
  • 5、Medical doctors, judges, college officials, military officers, andclergy are usually addressed with an occupational title, however.(然而当介绍医生、法官、大学的干部、军官和牧师时,一般要加上他们的职称。)
  • 6、Family services, social agencies orclergy.(家庭服务中心、社会团体或牧师。)
  • 7、A broad alliance of theclergy rushed out a statement lionising the assassin.(一个组织庞大的神职人员联盟还迅速炮制出一份吹捧这名凶手的宣言。)
  • 8、Mr Dinescu has said several seniorclergy are proven collaborators, but he was holding fire for now.(迪内苏先生曾说过,有几位高级神职人员确实跟秘密警察有勾结行为,但他目前还没有采取任何行动。)
  • 9、But this headnote goes a lot further simply than that: "And by occasion foretells the ruin of our corruptedclergy."(但是这篇眉批要表达的不仅仅是这个:,“同时也预示了腐朽的教会的溃败)
  • 10、He's actually claiming that this poem had been prophetic, that Lycidas foretold the ruin of theclergy.(他实际上是在声称这首诗是先知的,它已然预示了教会崩溃的必然。)
  • 11、Mostclergy, he argued, now prefer taking funerals. Perhaps.(他说,如今大多数牧师宁可去主持葬礼——可能吧。)
  • 12、Now it's starting to be used for particular kinds ofclergy in the church.(现在用来形容教会里,一种神职人员。)
  • 13、All the localclergy were asked to attend the ceremony.(所有当地的圣职人员都获邀参加这项仪式。)
  • 14、Your primary-care physician or other health-care professional,clergy, friends and family members can make recommendations.(你的初级保健医师或者其他的健康保健专家、牧师、朋友或者亲戚也许能提供有用的建议。)
  • 15、The Polishclergy use their influence to polonize the people.(波兰的教士们运用他们的影响去使人民波兰化。)
  • 16、But several recent cases have upheld the rights ofclergy to appeal to secular employment tribunals.(但最近的几个案例支持牧师入禀世俗劳资法庭的权利。)
  • 17、The language of everyday life was evolving in Europe and at a certain point in the middle ages it was really only merchants, aristocrats andclergy who could deal with Latin.(在欧洲,日常生活的语言在不断演变。在中世纪的某个时期,真的只有商人、贵族和神职人员才会使用拉丁语。)
  • 18、Thus, his preaching was directed at not only the laity, but theclergy as well.(因此,他的讲道面向的不只是世俗之人,也面向神职人员。)
  • 19、But it also means the gradual end of the hallowed "parson's freehold" that can give parishclergy a kind of owner-occupier status.(但这也意味着,能给教区牧师某种拥有居住房产的神圣“牧师免费居住”制的逐渐结束。)
  • 20、The new proposals affect bothclergy and laity.(新的提案使神职人员和平信徒都会受到影响。)
  • 21、Such a voyage would reflect badly on his future prospects as a member of theclergy.(——这样的旅行将为他未来作为一名牧师的前途带来不良影响。)
  • 22、The latter had even infected theclergy itself, and so had exposed the “human and institutional fragility of the Church”.(后一项罪孽甚至蔓延到神职人员当中,暴露了“教会的人性与制度上的虚弱”。)
  • 23、Worst of all, such a journey would get in the way of him going into theclergy.(最严重的是,这样的一次旅途将妨碍他成为一名牧师。)
  • 24、clergy members of many faiths have crossed the line with women and had children out of wedlock.(各个教派的神职人员都有越过红线、和妇女非婚生子的例子,但天主教派的问题尤为严重。)



英 [ˈklɜ:dʒi] 美 [ˈklɜ:rdʒi] 
名词复数: clergies
