


  • 1、A rock is aninanimate object.(岩石是无生命的物体。)
  • 2、We're usinginanimate objects to convince ourselves that even when we're alone, we feel together.(我们借助无生命的对象来说服自己:我们感觉在一起,即便当我们独处的时候。)
  • 3、Bloom and colleagues have shown that babies as young as five months make a distinction betweeninanimate objects and people.(Bloom及其同事已经证明:还只有五个月大的婴儿,就已经能够把无生命的物体与人区分开来。)
  • 4、Animism is the belief that spirits can inhabit living andinanimate objects.(柬埔寨许多人比较迷信,信奉万物有灵论,认为有生命的物体与无生命的物体都是有灵魂的。)
  • 5、However, it might be possible with other large butinanimate objects linked to a quantum device.(不过,有可能采用其他大型但无生命物体与量子装置相连接。)
  • 6、So we've got a possible explanation of the difference between an animated and an unanimated or aninanimate body to it.(于是我们得到了对,生命体与非生命体之间区别的一种可能的解释。)
  • 7、I certainly may be wrong here, but commitment to aninanimate object, and feeling a reciprocal response, changes things.(当然关于这一点也许我的想法不对,但与无生命物体达成某种承诺关系并且相互之间有了反应确实改变了一些事情。)
  • 8、The challenge is to makeinanimate objects shimmer and glow with vibrancy and life.(最大的挑战在于要让没有生命的物体洋溢着跃动的光芒和生命的光采。)
  • 9、SADLY for engineers,inanimate objects cannot yet repair themselves.(对工程师来说悲哀的一面是,没有生命的物体还无法实现自我修复。)
  • 10、The monster, on the right, is actually aninanimate pillar of gas and dust that measures over a light year in length.(右边的怪物,实际上是无生命的气体和尘埃柱,据测长度超过一光年。)
  • 11、A colloid of life is the unknown factor between the animate and theinanimate." (Jubbs Cell Rejuvenation, p.14.)(生命胶质是介于生命体和非生命体的未知介质。)
  • 12、My second favoriteinanimate object while I was in college was a white Les Paul Classic electric guitar.(我大学时代的第二至爱是一架白色的LesPaul经典电吉他。)
  • 13、Life's tragic character gradually disappears as you go down the scale toward theinanimate realm.(生命的悲剧特性逐渐消散,正如你失去平衡,走向无生命的王国。)
  • 14、I might even becomeinanimate—dead, in other words, what’s the incentive for me to go in there?(我甚至可能变成无生命的—换句话说,死了。我进入那里的动机是什么?)
  • 15、Dialogue is the name given to any words spoken by any character, includinginanimate characters.(对话是指角色说的任何词句,包括没有生命的角色。)
  • 16、Fingertips, hands, arms, and eveninanimate objects pass through an invisible two-dimensional optical web that tracks them.(指尖、手、胳膊、甚至是无生命的东西只要他们穿过内置的一个看不见的二维光网就能够被发现。)
  • 17、And, of course, the prop that prompts your thought doesn't have to beinanimate.(当然,能够促使你思考的工具不一定是没有生命的。)
  • 18、Teachers can useinanimate Alice as a springboard to create guided discovery lessons on the cultures and countries represented.(教师可以利用《无生命的爱丽丝》作为跳板,创建关于所代表的文化和国家的引导探索课程。)
  • 19、I don't think it's degrading to women or men or animals orinanimate objects.(我并不认为它是对女人或者是男人或动物们或非动物的侮辱。)
  • 20、The technology, detailed in a paper in the IEEE Xplore digital library, also filters outinanimate objects.(根据IEEEXplore数字图书馆里的一篇论文详细记述,这项技术还可以筛选出无生命的物体。) hAo86.com
  • 21、Only a god can equalinanimate matter in this respect.(在这方面只有神能够比得上没有生命的物质。)
  • 22、A man was lyinginanimate on the floor.(一个男子躺在地板上,看样子像是死了。)
  • 23、It inhabits both humans and animals and can survive in water and oninanimate objects.(它栖息在人和动物身上,在水里和没有生命的物体上也能存活。)
  • 24、Animate beings are usually "non-neuter," whileinanimate objects may be either neuter or non-neuter.(有生命的存在,通常用“非中性[non-neuter]”,而无生命的对象既可以是中性,也可以是非中性。)
  • 25、Natural philosophy involved the study of all aspects of the material world, animate andinanimate.(自然哲学涉及到了对包括有生命体与无生命体的物质世界的全面研究。)
  • 26、Nairn said many girls saw Barbie as aninanimate object rather than a treasured toy.(奈恩说很多女孩都觉得芭比娃娃死气沉沉的,没有一点生气,根本不把她当成宝贝。)
  • 27、There are manyinanimate nouns whose genders in the two languages are reversed.(两种语言中许多无生命名词的性别是相反的。)
  • 28、Many children become attached to someinanimate object, such as a blanket or soft toy.(很多儿童都对一些诸如毯子或柔软玩具这样没有生命的物品产生依恋。)



英 [ɪnˈænɪmət] 美 [ɪnˈænəmɪt] 
副词: inanimately 名词: inanimateness
