


  • 1、They are at an age when they areimpressionable and most parents including myself are with Mr Turner.(这个年龄段的孩子缺乏判断力,包括我自己在内的大多数家长都支持特纳校长的做法。)
  • 2、And to set a good example for all theimpressionable young gangsters that might take his message the wrong way.(为那些可能误会他的敏感的年轻歹徒树立好的榜样。)
  • 3、We will have a situation where older, richer women are preying on very young andimpressionable girls who may not fully appreciate the risks involved.(会出现一种情况,年纪大的,富有的女人的“掠食”可能还无法完全理解其中风险的,非常年轻,易受影响的女孩。)
  • 4、He could have set a positive ethical example to people watching all over the world, including the many millions who are young andimpressionable.(他本可以给全世界观看比赛的观众,包括上百万易受感染的年轻人的面前树立一个正面的道德榜样。)
  • 5、And it analyzes theimpressionable factor what influence the stability of cavern by compare with other factors.(通过比较,得出影响溶洞稳定性的敏感因素,并进行分析。)
  • 6、Or perhaps to redirect theirimpressionable minds from Lu Xun's moody introspection towards a more exuberant self-confidence.(或者是为了将少年人由鲁迅悲观的反省引向更有朝气与活力的自信。)
  • 7、It's possible you'll be moreimpressionable and less objective when your emotions get the better of you in your relationships.(这是一个很好的技能,也能为你的工作带来很多优势。)
  • 8、Highly sensitive andimpressionable, he was unsuited to fame - ironic, given that his became one of the most recognised faces in the world.(他天生敏感、易受影响,无法适应成名后的生活——讽刺的是,他还是世界上妇孺皆知的名角。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 9、Pisces: imaginative, other worldly,impressionable, and seeks transcendence of self.(双鱼:富有想象力的,另类世俗,易受影响,并寻求超越自我。)
  • 10、He is in a highlyimpressionable state.(他正处于极易受影响的状态。)
  • 11、He might be animpressionable youngster.(他有可能是个容易受影响的年轻人。)
  • 12、The law is intended to protect young andimpressionable viewers.(该法律旨在保护年轻人和易受影响的观众。)
  • 13、Young people areimpressionable!(年轻人就是敏感!)
  • 14、Animpressionable child reads this, and the next thing you know your whole family is out on the street.(孩子都很容易受影响和启发,如果他们读了,说不定哪天你们全家就不得不搬到大街上去住了。)
  • 15、He is at a very vulnerable andimpressionable age.(他正处在一个非常脆弱和敏感的年龄段。)
  • 16、This is the mostimpressionable, malleable and formative stage of your professional career.(这是你的职业生涯中最易受影响,最具可塑性,最易定型的时期。)
  • 17、However, that doesn't mean you can't take advantage of their skills and teach those techniques to moreimpressionable monsters.(然而,这并不意味着你不能从它们的技能上获益、把这些技术教给更具可塑性的怪物。)
  • 18、When I was young andimpressionable, I used to make the mistake of thinking that I had to feel "inspired" in order to write.(当我还年轻、易受影响的时候,常常会误以要写作就非要有“灵感”不可。)
  • 19、Theimpressionable peasant leads a larger, fuller, more dramatic life than the pachydermatous king.(一个天性敏感的农民,他的生活比一个天性迟钝的国王的生活更广阔、更丰富、更激动人心。)
  • 20、Berenice had been animpressionable child.(白丽莱茜本是个敏感的孩子。)
  • 21、These first human contacts are most important, since he is veryimpressionable.(这些人类第一次接触是最重要的,因为他很易受。)



英 [ɪmˈpreʃənəbl] 美 [ɪmˈprɛʃənəbəl] 
名词: impressionability
