


  • 1、Nested CAs tend to yield pleasing music; you can hear the visualregularity reflected in the music.(嵌套的CA一般会得到好听的音乐,可以听到在音乐中反映出来的直观规律性。)
  • 2、Okay? So all of these factors, particularly the idea ofregularity and repetition.(好吧?那么这些现象,尤其是它们的规律和重复。)
  • 3、I wouldn't invest in one, though, until you're sure that you're actually using the system withregularity.(尽管如此,我并没有这样做,除非你真地确信有规律地使用这一组织体系。)
  • 4、regularity of bedtimes and getting up times helps ensure good sleep.(起居规律有益于睡眠。)
  • 5、Planes passed overhead with unceasingregularity.(每隔一段时间总有飞机从头顶飞过。)
  • 6、Is there anyregularity in English word stress?(英语的重音有什么规律吗?)
  • 7、Officials accused of bribery and corruption get off the hook with monotonousregularity.(被指控受贿和贪污的官员无一例外总能脱身。)
  • 8、Besides, such files seem to disappear withregularity nowadays.(此外,这类电脑档案似乎在当今经常消失。)
  • 9、Apples are also rich in pectin, a fiber that has a high capacity to absorb water and improveregularity.(苹果也含有丰富的果胶、纤维,纤维具有较高容量,能吸收水分和完善规律性。)
  • 10、Historically, none of these solutions has worked with anyregularity.(历史上,这些解决方案都很少真正见效。)
  • 11、Succession is influenced by many factors: the nature of the soil, exposure to sun and wind,regularity of precipitation, chance colonizations, and many other random processes.(演替受到许多因素的影响:土壤的性质、暴露于阳光和风中的时间、降水的规律性、偶然的殖民和许多其他随机因素。)
  • 12、Find something you enjoy doing and do it withregularity to establish a routine.(发现你喜欢做的事情,然后有规律的做它,形成一个确定的例行公事。)
  • 13、Their search was conducted with empiricalregularity.(他们的搜索是根据经验规律性进行的。)
  • 14、Third Principle: Irregular systems, given enough time, createregularity enentually!(第三原理:无序的系统,给它足够的时间,迟早产生秩序!)
  • 15、Clements and other early ecologists saw almost lawlikeregularity in the order of succession, but that has not been substantiated.(克莱门茨和其他早期的生态学家认为,演替顺序中存在着几乎像法则一般的规律性,但这一点尚未得到证实。)
  • 16、But this is happening with someregularity.(可是这种情况已经呈现出一定的规律性了。) hao86.com
  • 17、Aircraft passed overhead with monotonousregularity.(飞机一次又一次反复从头顶飞过。)
  • 18、Financial problems had emerged with sickeningregularity.(金融的问题总是以令人生厌的规律性出现。)
  • 19、And every time we were surprised, as if the event were surprising for its veryregularity.(每次我们都十分惊讶,仿佛这种惊讶已经成了家常便饭似的。)
  • 20、Here is the image of the lines of trees and the metricalregularity of that verse that describes them.(这是排列成行的树的画面和描述它们的诗句的韵律规律性。)
  • 21、New secretaries came and went with monotonousregularity.(秘书不停地更换,令人厌烦。)
  • 22、Or perhaps it was simply theregularity of the Seinfeld world: Jerry's revolving door of girlfriends;(或者这只是宋飞世界的规律而已:杰瑞走马灯式地换女友;)
  • 23、I think it happens so frequently and with suchregularity that we've lost focus on how important it is.(车祸发生的太频繁,太规律了,所以我们都忽略了这有多么重要。)
  • 24、We can practically feel it ticking away, marching on in the same direction with horrifyingregularity.(我们可以实际地感到时间的流逝。时间严格的按照它既定的规律运行,即持续性与不可逆性。)
  • 25、Ruby strives for consistency andregularity.(Ruby争取一致性和规律性。)
  • 26、Theregularity of the clearings suggests that they may be a manifestation of a large planetary wave.(这些空地的规律性表示它们可能显示了一个巨大行星波。)



英 [ˌregjuˈlærəti] 美 [ˌrɛɡjəˈlærətɪ] 
