
  • 1、Thebull put its head down and charged.(公牛低下头猛冲过来。)
  • 2、That night when we crossed the ferry withbull Lee, a girl committed suicide off the deck either just before or just after us.(那天晚上,我们和布尔·李渡过渡口时,一个姑娘在我们渡河之前或之后从船上跳水自杀了。)
  • 3、The tan-coloured dog looks suspiciously like a pitbull terrier.(这条棕褐色的狗看起来很像比特犬。)
  • 4、Thebull-terrier sat on the grass.(这只斗牛犬蹲坐在草地上。)
  • 5、Thebull dozers work to flatten the garbage.(推土机将垃圾压平。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 6、In the summer,bull trout forge 50 miles upstream from Lake Koocanusa to spawn in the Wigwam River drainage in British Columbia.(夏天,鳟鱼从Koocanusa湖逆流而上50英里,到不列颠哥伦比亚威格沃姆河的排水系统产卵。)
  • 7、You've hadbull sessions with your high school friends or in your college dorm.(你们和你们的高中朋友们或在大学宿舍有过自由讨论。)
  • 8、I think it's a load ofbull.(我觉得那是一派胡言。)
  • 9、It was so productive that there was a shortage of labour to harvest it, ofbull carts to haul it to the threshing floor, of jute bags to store it.(它的产量如此之高,缺乏足够的劳动力来收割,没有足够的牛车来把它拖到打谷场,也没有足够的麻袋来储存它。)
  • 10、Fourth is "Romebull fighter", it is made of beef and tomatoes. Next is "bone's kernel", it is steam griskin. I feel all dishes are delicious.(第四道“罗马斗牛士”是用牛肉和番茄做的。下一个菜是“骨的精髓”,是清蒸排骨。我感觉所有的菜都是美味可口的。)
  • 11、That's a load ofbull!(那是胡说八道!)
  • 12、The production actually started as an after-workbull session at a Belgian bar.(其产生始于在一家比利时酒吧所进行的工作之余的闲谈。)
  • 13、Has the adviser performed well inbull and bear markets?(这位顾问是否在牛市和熊市都表现出色?)
  • 14、Suddenly a massivebull elephant with huge tusks charged us.(突然,一只体形壮硕、长着巨型象牙的雄象朝我们冲了过来。)
  • 15、He was gored by abull.(他被公牛顶伤。)
  • 16、In England, the center-forward tended traditionally to be a big target-man figure – what Brian Glanville characterized as "the brainlessbull at the gate".(在英格兰,传统的中锋一般是个身强体壮的目标球员——布莱恩·格兰维尔将之形容为“球门前那头有勇无谋的公牛”。)
  • 17、That ain't nobull Harbison!(那不是布尔·哈宾逊!)
  • 18、I think in 2011 that we're going to go through abull market.(我觉得在2011年,我们将会经历牛市。)
  • 19、The lower two strike prices are used in thebull spread, and the higher strike price in the bear spread.(在牛市价差中使用较低的两个执行价格,在熊市价差中使用较高的执行价格。)
  • 20、Which one of you idiots do let thebull loose?(你们哪个傻瓜把公牛放出来了?)
  • 21、Thisbull gores people.(这牛爱顶人。)
  • 22、The information conveyed by the olfactory signals on a buck rub make it the social equivalent of some auditory signals in other deer species, such as trumpeting bybull elk.(雄鹿的摩擦印记发出的嗅觉信号所传递的信息,使其与某些其他鹿类的听觉信号,比如公麋鹿的号角声,产生了相同的社会效果。)
  • 23、You ought to know better than anyone that Bushwhacker is the bestbull here.(您应该比谁都知道大镰刀是这里最好的公牛。)
  • 24、As a last thought, he pulled out his fiddle as he ran, and struck up a jig, turning to thebull, and backing towards the corner.(他急中生智,一边跑,一边把提琴拉出来,转身对着公牛拉起一支跳吉格舞的曲子,一边倒着向角落里退去。)
  • 25、"It's the tincture of benzoin, " he said, "Rodeo cowboys use it while riding abull or a bronc."(“这是安息香酊,”他说,“参加竞技表演的牛仔在骑牛或者骑野马的时候会用它。”)
  • 26、It was not Christmas Eve then, but it came into his head to play a trick upon thebull.(那时候还不是平安夜,但他突然想捉弄一下那头公牛。)
  • 27、The longestbull-run in a century of art-market history ended on a dramatic note with a sale of 56 works by Damien Hirst.(艺术市场一个世纪的历史上最长的牛市在达米安·赫斯特的56幅作品售出后戏剧性地结束了。)
  • 28、He was convicted of failing to muzzle a pitbull.(他因没有给一条比特犬戴口套而被判有罪。)



英 [bʊl] 美 [bʊl] 
过去式: bulled 过去分词: bulled 现在分词: bulling 第三人称单数: bulls




