


  • 1、Go now and make todayunforgettable!(现在行动吧,让今天永恒!)
  • 2、So lucky! All of these became theunforgettable part of our life!(太幸运了!这一切都成为了我们生命中难忘的一部分!) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 3、See: "Japan Tsunami: 20unforgettable Pictures."(参见:日本海啸-20张难忘的图片。)
  • 4、But if the film is forgettable, howunforgettable can the performance be?(但是如果这部影片很容易被忘却,其中的演技又怎能让人难忘呢?)
  • 5、There is no doubt that China will present to the world a successful andunforgettable exposition.(毫无疑问,中国将呈现给世界一个成功和难忘的世博会。)
  • 6、Mr. Liu: We're all proud of that. Howunforgettable!(刘先生:我们都以此为傲,多么难忘啊!)
  • 7、THE slogan that BP adopted in 2000, “Beyond Petroleum”, was brilliantlyunforgettable.(英国石油公司(BP)在2000年打出的宣传口号“越过石油”令人过目难忘。)
  • 8、He spent so manyunforgettable days with them that he was loath to part with them.(他与他们一起度过那么多难忘的日子,他舍不得离开他们。)
  • 9、The three days that we have spent together in Diaoyutai is rich andunforgettable.(我们在钓鱼台共同度过的这三天是充实的,是难以忘怀的。)
  • 10、If you are up to the challenge, a Canadian winter can be anunforgettable experience.(如果你乐于接受挑战,那加拿大的冬天可以让你终身难忘。)
  • 11、Hillary and I had had anunforgettable week, but it was time to get back to those opportunities.(我和希拉里度过了难忘的一周,但现在是时候我们回国抓住那些“机遇”了。)
  • 12、Last week , we held a Christmas party together with foreign students to experience western cultures, which was veryunforgettable.(上周我们和外国学生一起举行了圣诞派对以体验西方文化,这非常让人难忘。)
  • 13、unforgettable.(令人难忘。)
  • 14、The crucial question is: How can a brand go above and beyond to offer anunforgettable experience?(关键的问题在于:一个品牌如何才能超越对手给顾客提供一次难忘的购物经历?)
  • 15、I am so glad that I had thisunforgettable experience.(我很高兴我有这个难忘的经历。)
  • 16、Ester is a trulyunforgettable person.(伊斯特真是一个令人难忘的人。)
  • 17、During his stage career, he created many lively andunforgettable artistic images.(在他的舞台生涯中,他塑造了许多生动且令人难以忘怀的艺术形象。)
  • 18、When I met any difficulties, the help from the local people made meunforgettable.(在我遇到困难时,纯朴的居民给予我的援助之手使我永远不会忘记。)
  • 19、Of course, she had thoseunforgettable violet eyes and cascading mane of dark hair.(毫无疑问,她有一双令人难忘的蓝紫色眼睛,瀑布般浓密的深色长发。)
  • 20、A visit to the museum is anunforgettable experience.(对该博物馆的参观是一次难忘的经历。)
  • 21、Shirley: Yeah, it's reallyunforgettable.(雪莉:是啊,那可真是难忘啊。)
  • 22、The mostunforgettable role that I think is Jiang Wen as Mao Renfeng.(最令人难忘的应该是姜文扮演的毛人凤。)
  • 23、Which is the mostunforgettable movie for you?(哪一部典的爱情电影让你毕生难忘?)
  • 24、He created manyunforgettable characters in his novels.(他在他的小说中创造了很多令人难忘的人物。)



英 [ˌʌnfəˈgetəbl] 美 [ˌʌnfərˈgetəbl] 
副词: unforgettably 名词: unforgettability
