
  • 1、Webetray the ideals of our country when we support capital punishment.(我们赞同死刑就会违背我们国家的理想。)
  • 2、He was offered money tobetray his colleagues.(有人收买他出卖他的同事。)
  • 3、Sometimes a tiny behavior canbetray everything.(有时一个细小的动作就够了。)
  • 4、Their Thumbsbetray Discomfort(他们的拇指透露出不安)
  • 5、When I tell someone I will notbetray his confidence I keep my word.(当我对人说我不会辜负他的信任时,我会说到做到。)
  • 6、You are getting people to do an unnatural act – tobetray their country.(你在让人们做违反常理的行为—背叛他们的国家。)
  • 7、I didn'tbetray my king to another for gold or power.(我也从来没有为了金钱和权利背叛我的国王。)
  • 8、Now trust me--tell me what it is, and trust me--I won'tbetray you.(现在相信我——告诉我是什么,相信我——我不会背叛你。)
  • 9、They offered me money if I wouldbetray my associates.(如果我出卖自己的同伴,他们就会给我钱。)
  • 10、Over a sustained period of time you are always going tobetray yourself.(持续一段时间以后,你会一直背叛你自己。)
  • 11、The purpose of editing the New of the World was not to promote reader understanding, to be fair in what was written or tobetray any common humanity.(编辑《世界新闻》的目的不是为了增进读者的理解,不是为了对所写的内容进行公正评价,也不是为了违背任何共同的人性。)
  • 12、She would notbetray his secrets to me.(她不会把他的秘密泄露给我。)
  • 13、Your blank expression, and the faraway look in your eyes are the cues thatbetray you inattentiveness.(你面无表情、眼神恍惚,这些都是你心不在焉的表现。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 14、Verily I say unto you, that one of you shallbetray me.(我实在告诉你们,你们中有个人要背叛我了。)
  • 15、And I didn't know what to answer, how tobetray, confess, parry.(我不知回答什么,不知怎样背叛,坦白和逃避开。)
  • 16、And I will neverbetray my country!(我永远不会背叛我的国家!)
  • 17、Is she disgusted that he would so soonbetray Anna?(她是否为他对安娜如此之快的背叛感到反感?)
  • 18、Never to say cry for any hurt due to anybetray.(更不会再去因为被背叛受到伤害而哭泣!)
  • 19、He begged and prayed her not to do so, for he was sure it wouldbetray them.(他求她不要这样做,因为他知道这肯定会暴露他们。)
  • 20、I will try my best to finish it and won'tbetray your trust.(我会竭尽全力去完成,不会辜负您的信任。)
  • 21、Did a friendbetray you?(被朋友背叛了?)
  • 22、Then I began tobetray her.(后来,我开始背叛她了。)
  • 23、The faces of the audience began tobetray annoyance.(观众的脸上开始流露出厌烦的表情。)
  • 24、Only they will not abandon me, only they will notbetray.(只有它们不会遗弃我,只有它们不会背叛。)
  • 25、I would as lief kill myself asbetray my master.(我宁愿自杀也不会出卖我的主人。)
  • 26、He nodded his head instead of saying anything where his voice mightbetray him.(他点了点头,什么都没有说,因为一开口就会出卖他自己。)
  • 27、Only occasionally did the telltale redness around his eyesbetray the fatigue he was suffering.(只有在他眼周发红的时候才偶尔显出他有多么疲劳。)



英 [bɪˈtreɪ] 美 [bɪˈtre] 
名词: betrayal 过去式: betrayed 过去分词: betrayed 现在分词: betraying 第三人称单数: betrays
