
  • 1、Fiction takes up a largeslice of the publishing market.(小说占出版市场的一大部分。)
  • 2、With so much more money floating in the workers' compensation system, it's not surprising that doctors and lawyers have helped themselves to a largeslice of the growing pie.(随着越来越多的钱进入了劳动者的薪酬体系,医生和律师们从不断扩大的经济蛋糕中分得一杯羹,也就不足为奇了。)
  • 3、You need to prepare the wax gourd first by peeling it,slice it several times lengthways, remove the seeds and then finally cut into one inch chunks.(你要准备好冬瓜,首先要去皮,纵向切几次,去籽,最后切成一寸大小的块状。)
  • 4、The coffee ritual is incomplete without a delicious pastry or aslice of chocolate cake.(美味的油酥点心或一块巧克力蛋糕在喝咖啡时也是必不可少的。)
  • 5、Cryptococcus meningitidis is found on the prepared Chinese ink dyeing glassslice in 4 patients.(4例患者在制备的墨汁染色玻璃片上发现脑膜炎隐球菌。)
  • 6、He cut himself a great thickslice of cake.(他给自己切了厚厚的一大片蛋糕。)
  • 7、It held two thick pieces of bread with aslice of something laid between them.(里面有两片厚厚的面包,它们中间夹着一片什么东西。)
  • 8、Marina ate only oneslice of bread.(玛丽娜只吃了一片面包。)
  • 9、She handed him also the wholeslice of cheese, saying, "You can eat that, I have had enough!"(她又把整片奶酪递给他,说:“你可以吃那个,我已经吃饱了!”)
  • 10、It's defined by which horizontal or verticalslice of the world you connect yourself with.(它是由你所连接的世界的水平或垂直部分来定义的。)
  • 11、This time he also brought with him aslice of bread and butter for the children.(这一次,他还为孩子们带了一片面包和奶油。)
  • 12、What are the potential downsides of having aslice of space densely populated by equipment built by people not traditionally labeled as "professionals"?(拥有一片堆满了设备的太空,这些设备由非传统所认为的“专业人士”所建造,这可能会带来什么样的潜在不利因素?)
  • 13、Toast the bread and spread houmous evenly over one side of eachslice.(烤面包,每一面均匀涂上色拉酱。)
  • 14、He wanted the cook toslice them thinner and fry them longer.(他想让厨师把它们切得更薄,炸得更久一些。)
  • 15、I go the step further and mince, dice, chop,slice, mix and prepare, so I don't have to deal with it when I cook the next day.(我会多做一点,把菜切碎、切丁、剁开、切片、搭配在一起并准备好,这样我就不必在第二天要做饭时再处理它了。)
  • 16、Rather, they saw a large chocolate cake and they each were given aslice.(相反,他们看到了一个大巧克力蛋糕,每人得到一块。)
  • 17、Cube Sat researchers suggest that now's the time to ponder unexpected and unintended possible consequences of more people than ever having access to their own smallslice of space.(CubeSat公司的研究人员表示,现在是时候考虑一下越来越多的人进入自己的狭小空间而可能产生的意想不到的后果了。)
  • 18、He took out a slab of cheese, pared off aslice and ate it hastily.(他拿出厚厚的一块奶酪,切下一片急匆匆地吃了。)
  • 19、He commanded her to eat the large piece of bread and theslice of golden cheese.(他命令她吃掉那一大块面包和那片金色的奶酪。)
  • 20、Heat butter in a frying pan and put in the breadslice template. Crack an egg into the heart-shaped hole, fry up and serve on the toast.(在煎锅中加热黄油,然后放入面包薄片模子。将一个鸡蛋打到心形状的洞里,将其煎熟,再放在烤面包上上菜。)
  • 21、Bess stabbed aslice of cucumber.(贝斯戳起一片黄瓜。)
  • 22、Capital Idea should therefore invest in the Roxy Playhouse, theslice-o'-Pizza, and the Divot Golf Club, three new businesses in the Irongate district.(因此,CapitalIdea应该投资RoxyPlayhouse、slice-o'-Pizza和Divot高尔夫俱乐部,这三家是Irongate地区的新企业。)
  • 23、Our firm is well placed to grab a largeslice of the market.(我们公司处境有利,足以获得巨大的市场份额。)
  • 24、He managed toslice a shot over the net.(他设法把球斜切过网。)
  • 25、For breakfast I had a thickslice of bread and butter.(早餐我吃了一片厚厚的黄油面包。)
  • 26、Use this knife to chop,slice and mince; the side of the blade can be used for crushing garlic and some spices.(用这刀剁碎、切片或切碎物体;刀片侧面可以用于压碎大蒜和一些香料。)
  • 27、He grumbled that 15 pesos would buy only a bun and aslice of ham and was no substitute for a hot meal.(他抱怨说15比索只能买一个面包和一片火腿,不能代替一顿热饭。)
  • 28、He dropped his cell phone while he was trying to talk and eat aslice of pepperoni pizza.(他边吃着一片意大利辣香肠披萨边打电话时,手机掉在地上了。)
  • 29、John Gottman, the marriage expert, explains that we quickly "thinslice" information reliably only after we ground such snap reactions in the "thicksliced" long-term study.("婚姻专家约翰·戈特曼解释说,只有长期进行“大块”信息的基础研究,我们才能快速而又可靠地做出反应,实现“薄片式”信息切分。)
  • 30、When youslice an onion, it makes your eyes sting.(切葱头辣眼睛。)



英 [slaɪs] 美 [slaɪs] 
形容词: sliceable 名词: slicer 过去式: sliced 过去分词: sliced 现在分词: slicing 第三人称单数: slices


