
  • 1、On a recentweekday she interrupted her workday to take her son to the doctor.(最近一个工作日她忙里偷闲带儿子去看医生。)
  • 2、Starting this week, I'm going to devote several hours everyweekday to developing new information products.(从这周开始,我将在每个工作日花几个小时来开发新型信息产品。)
  • 3、weekday mornings are spent avoiding work a bit longer, so I can watch the sunrise over the Rockies.(平日早上不用过早去赶上班的时间,这样我就可以从容地看洛矶山上太阳慢慢地升起。)
  • 4、Everyweekday morning since then, she has left her home to meet nine other old people in a church for a rich program of charity work, trips, games, and—most important of all—friendly companionship.(从那以后,每个工作日的早上,她都会离开家到教堂去见另外9位老人,参加一个内容丰富的慈善活动、旅行、游戏,还有最重要的——友好的伙伴关系。)
  • 5、EVERYweekday, 300 boys gather in a gym on Chicago's South Side.(在芝加哥南赛德的一所学校里,300名男孩周一至周五集合在校体育馆内。)
  • 6、"They (the trains) would run on the hour but not as many as would run on a normalweekday," Cole told Fox News.(科尔向福克斯新闻透露:“火车将会整点出发,但不像正常工作日那么多。”)
  • 7、They also separatedweekday and weekend results.(数据通信结果也有工作日和周末的区分。)
  • 8、Note that we importedweekday._.(注意我们导入了weekday._。)
  • 9、I often go swimming onweekday.(我经常在周日去游泳。)
  • 10、You should avoid riding duringweekday rush periods.(你应该避免在工作日的高峰时段骑车。)
  • 11、If you are hiking on aweekday and set out in the morning.(如果你准备平时去徒步旅行并且早上出发。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 12、Miss the hordesweekday mornings or Wednesday evenings (after 6pm). Any time, it's all free.(只要不是工作日早晨或周三晚上(晚6点以后)前来,即可免费参观。)
  • 13、If you normally do your fruit shopping on Saturday, choose aweekday night to go instead.(如果你通常在周六买水果,那就选择一个工作日的晚上再去。)
  • 14、But these are not ordinaryweekday commuters.(但他们并非普通的日常往返者。)
  • 15、About two new editorial workers are being hired everyweekday.(每个工作日都有两名编辑人员被雇用。)
  • 16、The Post’sweekday circulation is barely two-thirds what it was in the nineteen-nineties.(《邮报》现在的日发行量勉强达到90年代的三分之二。)
  • 17、For the next six weeks, our 5-on-5 games are taking aim at a new team eachweekday.(在未来的6个星期中,我们的5-on-5的活动中,我们会在每天针对一支球队。)
  • 18、For each particular date, the script identifies which day of the week it is, using the functionweekday (I).(对于每个特别的日期,脚本都要使用函数weekday(i)确定它是哪个工作日。)
  • 19、It's calledweekday veg. The name says it all.(我把它叫做“上班日吃素”,从名字就可以知道它的意思。)
  • 20、On a recentweekday, they sprayed smoke on the hotel terrace to calm the bees before extracting honey.(在最近的一个工作日,他们在提取蜂蜜之前,在酒店的露台上喷烟来让蜜蜂平静下来。)
  • 21、If you want to avoid the crowds, it's best to come on aweekday.(如果你想避开人流,最好在工作日来。)
  • 22、You need to avoid riding duringweekday rush periods.(你要避免在工作日高峰时段骑车。)
  • 23、The auditroll script could be executed everyweekday to gather a report on the previous days audit activities.(可以在每个工作日执行auditroll脚本,生成关于前几天的审计活动的报告。)
  • 24、There are several free hours everyweekday.(每个工作日都有几个小时的空闲时间。)
  • 25、If you do that everyweekday, you can loose 2-3 pounds per week.(如果你每个工作日都这样做,你每周可以减掉2-3磅。)
  • 26、Shortly after the doors opened on aweekday this summer there was someone typing at every screen.(今年夏天的一个工作日里,图书馆刚开门不久,每一个屏幕前就都有人敲打键盘了。)



英 [ˈwi:kdeɪ] 美 [ˈwikˌde] 
